Diesels Not Dead Yet

Diesels are far from Dead! Euro 5 and Euro 6 engines are so clean that you have to connect the smoke meter RPM connectors to the engine when carrying out either Mot or diagnostic tests. The reason for this is that the probe cannot detect any emissions given due to new technolog keeping them within strict regulations.
The use of a good quality fuel also helps and deffinatly not Supermarket fuels that dont have the additives that reputable fuel manufacturers do.
Its another case of the media blowing things totally out of proportion scare mongering as per!
Diesels are far from Dead! Euro 5 and Euro 6 engines are so clean that you have to connect the smoke meter RPM connectors to the engine when carrying out either Mot or diagnostic tests. The reason for this is that the probe cannot detect any emissions given due to new technolog keeping them within strict regulations.
The use of a good quality fuel also helps and deffinatly not Supermarket fuels that dont have the additives that reputable fuel manufacturers do.
Its another case of the media blowing things totally out of proportion scare mongering as per!

Really? an interesting comparison done here which i have posted before. Not too good a result for the Euro 6 engine. My diesel car has just passed the MOT. the Smoke test (pass 1.5%) reading was 0.25% so well inside the pass mark on an Euro 4 (I think) engine on at 136,000mls/ I use a 3rd party detergent plus an Italian tune-up.
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Really? an interesting comparison done here which i have posted before. Not too good a result for the Euro 6 engine. My diesel car has just passed the MOT. the Smoke test (pass 1.5%) reading was 0.25% so well inside the pass mark on an Euro 4 (I think) engine on at 136,000mls/ I use a 3rd party detergent plus an Italian tune-up.

Dont quite understand what your 3rd party detergent is? Only problem some manufacturers have now with Euro 6 is Ad blue issues but its new, deffinatly not effecting emmision outputs. Are you saying that you use an additive with your Euro 4 engine? This is ok in some engines but unfortunatly not all. Had a problem with Nissan and Mitsibuishi Water trap sensors melting due to a reaction with tje additive which actually melted the sensor and housing
The trouble is, the powers that be and the scientists need to agree just which problem we address. Diesel gets the thumbs down because of NOx but it's fine for CO2, whereas petrol is bad for CO2 but OK for NOx. Also, I've read that old petrol engines are far far worse than new diesel ones. The ultimate answer will be that we can only use electric vehicles but then the battle will rage on as to how we produce that electricity. The more I read, the more I despair that anyone out there really has a proper answer. But then, historically knee-jerk reaction and bandwagoning have invariably prevailed over logic :rolleyes:

CO2 vs NOx
Stalemate looms on NOx vs CO2 diesel emission limits - Automotive World
Solving one problem just creates another. Because of batteries electric cars are heavier than petrol or diesel cars, meaning more braking required. Pollution from brakes could mean that an electric car produces more pollution than a diesel, not to mention the pollution caused by scrapping the servicable diesel and building the electric car.
The polluting effect of wear and tear in brakes and tyres | Environment | The Guardian
Particle pollution from electric cars could be worse than from diesel ones | E&ampT Magazine
Solving one problem just creates another. Because of batteries electric cars are heavier than petrol or diesel cars, meaning more braking required. Pollution from brakes could mean that an electric car produces more pollution than a diesel, not to mention the pollution caused by scrapping the servicable diesel and building the electric car.
The polluting effect of wear and tear in brakes and tyres | Environment | The Guardian
Particle pollution from electric cars could be worse than from diesel ones | E&ampT Magazine

If you go down the London underground the dirt and particulates level is massive, and it is from the brakes on the trains causing the soot like deposits and you breathe it all in.. They have special pressure blowing jets and huge vacuum, cleaning trains ,that are trying to clean the tunnels at night.. That is many times worse than succking up modern diesel emissions
The trouble is, the powers that be and the scientists need to agree just which problem we address. Diesel gets the thumbs down because of NOx but it's fine for CO2, whereas petrol is bad for CO2 but OK for NOx. Also, I've read that old petrol engines are far far worse than new diesel ones. The ultimate answer will be that we can only use electric vehicles but then the battle will rage on as to how we produce that electricity. The more I read, the more I despair that anyone out there really has a proper answer. But then, historically knee-jerk reaction and bandwagoning have invariably prevailed over logic :rolleyes:

CO2 vs NOx
Stalemate looms on NOx vs CO2 diesel emission limits - Automotive World
You should have a look at the NOx figure for Jet engines, and that is all downwind of London at Heathrow and why we have the LEZ the newer ones are getting better but NOx is the result of air burning fuel it combine the nitrogen with the other components at high temperature.
You should have a look at the NOx figure for Jet engines, and that is all downwind of London at Heathrow and why we have the LEZ the newer ones are getting better but NOx is the result of air burning fuel it combine the nitrogen with the other components at high temperature.

Despite jet engines inevitably having high emissions, the fact that most of these occur at high altitude and the relatively low numbers of aircraft compared to other vehicles means that overall they only account for about 2% of total transport emissions. Aircraft Engine Emissions
I would like to go back to the old days when there were very few vehicles on the roads. We didn't have bother with vehicle exhausts .... just Diptheria, Polio, TB and Bubonic Plague. :(
Dont quite understand what your 3rd party detergent is? Only problem some manufacturers have now with Euro 6 is Ad blue issues but its new, deffinatly not effecting emmision outputs. Are you saying that you use an additive with your Euro 4 engine? This is ok in some engines but unfortunatly not all. Had a problem with Nissan and Mitsibuishi Water trap sensors melting due to a reaction with tje additive which actually melted the sensor and housing

I use this additive
Archoil AR6900-D Max Advanced Diesel Fuel Synthesis

Seems to work well, I purchase from Amazon see here. I note that I forgot to include a link in my previous post so I will include it here as well as updating my previous post.
Personally, I wouldn't trust a paper that gives bad advice, ie., They state in an article about MOT checks, that you can take your vehicle in for MOT before the expiry date & have time to correct any faults if it fails.

this is not true, if your vehicle fails, it fails & cannot be driven on the road (except to a pre arranged appointment for repair or MOT) until it passes!


Ps., The express!
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If you go down the London underground the dirt and particulates level is massive, and it is from the brakes on the trains causing the soot like deposits and you breathe it all in.. They have special pressure blowing jets and huge vacuum, cleaning trains ,that are trying to clean the tunnels at night.. That is many times worse than succking up modern diesel emissions
Lots of interesting facts raised in this thread , stuff that you dont really consider long term. From a manufacturing point of veiw the electric vehicles technology has to move forward from where it is. Yes its pretty amazing at the moment but weight of the batteries and distances between charges have to improve to replace the good old engine.
There are millions of vehicles on the road at present creating massive incomes around the world with jobs it creates. This isnt and cant just dissapear. Yes probably new vehicles as some manufacturers already committed to will be just electric but not all. Commercials i think are far from at that stage yet.
As i said though an interesting read guys
Diesel is by far the best current option for commercial vehicles. We are still some way off alternatives for commercials that can run 500/600 miles regularly in a day.
think of the weight of battery needed to run a artic all day and the power needed to charge them up overnight and the infrastructure needed to do that lookat scotland enough problem finding gas on the islands let alone a decent power supply to charge the fish truck from spain and then there is the common connectivity between countrys like some have said they have seen the wiring on aires some a dangerous
Wow this thread includes a lot of different areas that could easily have their own threads, (boats, planes and trains). Suffice to say that the amount of cargo any of those three carry cannot be transported in a more environmental manor by other vehicles (not counting horse and carts which we dont have enough of anyway).

Commercials could be run on electric no problem, back in the 80's I was reading about HUGE dump trucks at mines running on electric motors, they actually had some sort pf power lead so in effect were plugged in to the mains. Yes I know that would not be possible on the roads but it is access to electric stopping the big movers and it will come. Anyone remember electric trams that have made a come back and work well, just needs the overhead tracks.

I remember back in the 70's and 80's we were hearing stories that the world was due to run out of crude oil early on in the 2000's (was it 2010?) but here we are still using it as if it is never going to run out. We DO need practical alternatives to diesel and petrol as the source of both is the same, crude oil, and it IS running out. Oil companies are very powerful around the word so dont worry too much about diesel being off the menu any time soon, only way it will happen is if they do run out or if the oil companies manage to find a way to charge make as much money from electricity or water.

There is pollution with all types of transport, some produce more in the way components or fuels are produced and others produce more when running. At present I think electric or hydrogen are the future in some form but even they are probably not the solution.

Beam me up Scotty :)
Consumers now are very wary beyond a little investigation we have been sold two stories re the merits of diesels in a relatively short time

Distrust has been further compounded by Volkswagens behaviour lies and manipulation then a high fine in the US

The issue now is the truth is of little relevance consumer confidence is confused and at an all time low SMMT figures back that up

Petrol causes more damage to the environment due to higher Co2 levels and therefore more greenhouse effect and global warming. Diesel cause more No2 and are more harmful to us and lees to the environment.

Surely as we are causing the problem we should use diesel more and cause ourselves more probems than the planet?

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