
robert b

on my way home this morning ive noticed asda has put diesel up to 99.9 a litre again. its going to be back up to a pound again how can they do this when things are bad enough. or is it to pay the wages of all these new people they say they are taking on:confused:
Supply and demand, currency fluctuations and fuel is paid in $, etc, etc. But what I don't understand is the when the raw product price goes up then the companies make more money!
But it must cost the same to produce in the refineries. One of the petro companies has reported record profits this morning!
All down to the exchange rate apparently, oil is traded in dollars, pound buys fewer dollars so up goes the price, wouldn't be so bad but I'm still waiting for it to come down as the Companies keep saying they buy in advance, all bo__ocks really, just shaft the masses as per usual.
shell said today they have only made 22 billion profit but overall there profits are down i feel so sorry for them, not .
diesel is still 96.9 in Dundee
Sun shines on the Righteous:D:D:D

[were having a wip round at work for shell they only made 168000 pounds a minute last quarter down almost 50% anyone got a hanky
Do you think the price hike had something to do with the Tanker that tried to get off the Straraer/Belfast ferry early:confused: or was he just trying to avoid paying? (only joking).;)

Seriously though, next time I use the ferries then I am going to make dammed sure the chains are on. Looks like the ferries haven't learned a lesson from Zeebrugge.

Once again old Brown is clobbering the Motorists.:mad:
Maybe prices will start rising (like last year) in time for what is known as the camping season.
Oh and SUMMER:confused::confused::confused:
Shell have announced record profits in a period of downturn and uncertainty in the rest of the ecomomy is an indication of the fact that the oil companies are not only in the driving seat of the worlds ecomomies but they are also in a position to open the passenger door and throw out the deadwood ( the banks) and carry on their road trip to nirvana without a snails slime care for the rest of the fellowship that is the human race and its total dependence on these crooks and swindlers.
It is time the worlds governments NATIONALISED these dollar terrorists and used their ill gotten gains to stimulate the worlds economies back into a state of revival.
A recession is just an excuse for the banks to take 5, sit back and invent another scam to keep them up and running for a further period ...... of ripping us off.
One thing is certain ..... untill we control them.... they will control us.
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As the refineries fall due to strike walkouts watch the price rise!
diesel prices

Just retrned from Australia and the price of diesel is cheaper than petrol. Also the aussies get a day off for the queens birthday.Whats wrong with this country.
I'm sure diesel used to be cheaper in this country as well! But once diesel cars became popular the price rose to meet demand.
Just retrned from Australia and the price of diesel is cheaper than petrol. Also the aussies get a day off for the queens birthday.Whats wrong with this country.

you ask what the problem is with this country! its that we as a nation am scared to do owt about owt without fear of prosecution, discrimination and anything else you care to mention, we don't stand together! because if we did we'd soon sort this country and government out. communism is on its way!!!!! be warned!!!!!!!brown cares about anybody and everybody so long as they are not white and english.

p.s. or motorhomers :)
Surely if the price of diesel rises to meet demand that's capitalism! And bailing out banks is communism, just as they did in America!
I'm sure diesel used to be cheaper in this country as well! But once diesel cars became popular the price rose to meet demand.

No that is not true, we were told Diesel was better for the environment and we were encouraged to get diesel powered cars. The Diesel was cheap, when they had suckered enough of us into diesel power they decided it was worse for the environment.
Now the govt. tells us gas is the way forward and it's good for the environment - see a picture developing here?
Its just the capitalist state we live in,its as much at any one time they can extort from us,the life blood of the country has been scked dry ,thats why we are in such a state ,there is profit in sending industry to the wall ,its not just the fat cats or gready traders to blame for taking and not giving back,a big slice of society is out just to get as much as they can ,look at how some builders make up the price as they sus you out and how much they are likely to get out of you.
I think i will just get two horses for the front of the van.

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