Have used Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment after being advised that the bug might be the cause of a problem I had with an XUD9 PSA diesel engine. The chemical is not expensive as a very small amount is used. £8.75 for 100 ml which treats several top ups with diesel. May cost a little more now.
Diesel Bug Treatment
Available from many boat chandlers, I bought mine from a canal side chandler as we are near the middle of England. Has a good reputation and used by well known nautical enterprises.
There is a test kit (£15) which will tell if you have it and how severely.
I actually doubt that Diesel Bug was the problem as the treatment did not fix the problem but it was worth a try, would have been a cheap fix if it had worked.
I subsequently had an expensive overhaul of the diesel system but was never completely happy with it. Now have a newer van!
Hope that helps