Denmark - vans and locals clash

On the whole not a negative article, as I read it. Rather than the 'let's just ban it' attitude over here, it's more 'how can we manage the situation to everyone's benefit'.

I wouldn't choose to visit that beach in the picture anyway. Far too busy.
We were in Denmark in May, and also last September, and are looking forwards to going again soon. We were welcomed wherever we visited and felt no animosity. We also found places to stopover, and the necessary facilities required by way of the useful NL camper app.

Although we also visited Blokhus beach, shown in the picture, it wasn’t an area we wanted to remain, it was just a place that needed to be seen and visited the once and move on, that area is far too touristy for us. A visit to Skulptur Park with its sandcastles was a nice visit.
How come it's always always in these sort of clickbait let's stir up a storm reports the campervanner leaving litter? Rubbish in my opinion, but of course there are exceptions to the rule and a tiny minority do spoil it for everyone else. Busy beach area, lets say ten campervans, lets say 100 cars. Who leaves most litter? I rest my case.
Ha ha, immigrants getting blamed for anti-camper van sentiments.
Whatever next? "My jam won't set, bloody immigrants." "My homebrew has gone off,bloody immigrants." "My knobs not very big etc etc.
Ha ha, immigrants getting blamed for anti-camper van sentiments.
Whatever next? "My jam won't set, bloody immigrants." "My homebrew has gone off,bloody immigrants." "My knobs not very big etc etc.

The problem is that whilst some people won't see any good in immigration, equally some can't see any bad, and there is plenty of both. If anybody dares to mention some of the bad points such as rise in crime (which is fact in certain places) then ridiculous comments like you have just made come out.

People are very polarised on immigration and ridiculous claims are made by those for and against. It was always going to go this way since the topic was raised unfortunately which is why politics is banned on these forums - not that you'd know it.
The article posted by UFO made no reference whatsoever about the EU or asylum seekers. Neither asylum seekers or the EU have anything to do with camping issues in Denmark. To suggest that they do is preposterous.

I read through the article and I thought unlike what we read in our own country it was a balanced, responsible and a sensible article. It highlighted issues, and it offered ways of resolving the problems in Denmark. It did not attempt to blame us for their issues, and I thought the proposals seemed reasonable. It actually reminded me of how certain regions of Scotland have behaved, but without any input from our national government.
And that’s exactly what’s lacking here intervention from our national governments, perhaps they should take notice of what the Danish government are doing, and learn from them.

Also we were only part of the issues that Denmark and other nations face with regards to global tourism. The article dealing with this issue mainly, and us only being a small part of what’s going on in Denmark.
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The article posted by UFO made no reference whatsoever about the EU or asylum seekers. Neither asylum seekers or the EU have anything to do with camping issues in Denmark. To suggest that they do is preposterous.

Nobody ever did suggest this Bill although one post mentioned immigration (now removed) but he did not say that the attitudes to campers were affected by this but rather he had been told that that crime had gone up there - a point not really relevant.

He didn't say "immigrants getting blamed for anti-camper van sentiments" hence my post on the subject.
Nobody ever did suggest this Bill although one post mentioned immigration (now removed) but he did not say that the attitudes to campers were affected by this but rather he had been told that that crime had gone up there - a point not really relevant.

He didn't say "immigrants getting blamed for anti-camper van sentiments" hence my post on the subject.
Not in those words, but the implication was clear. That's why I took the piss. You put it in quotes,I didn't. Unfortunately the post has gone so I can't quote the relevant bit. But it was basically along the lines off society being pissed off by immigrants and then looking for anything else they could gripe about.
Nobody ever did suggest this Bill although one post mentioned immigration (now removed) but he did not say that the attitudes to campers were affected by this but rather he had been told that that crime had gone up there - a point not really relevant.

He didn't say "immigrants getting blamed for anti-camper van sentiments" hence my post on the subject.
Why mention the EU and immigration when they had nothing to do with it.
It was that post that politicised the thread, not Korky, who only stated that it was laughable to mention them, and he did so in a jocular manner, only to be reminded he was politicising the thread. Yet the post removed received several likes including one from yourself Rob, if my memory serves me right.
Also with regards to crime rates in Denmark, it has one of the lowest crime rates on Earth. But then again what that has todo with camping in Denmark completely eludes me.
It’s a shame that instead of discussing the OP someone decided to politicise the thread by Blaming the EU and immigrants for increased crime rates, when this had nothing to do with the issue.
Not in those words, but the implication was clear. That's why I took the piss. You put it in quotes,I didn't. Unfortunately the post has gone so I can't quote the relevant bit. But it was basically along the lines off society being pissed off by immigrants and then looking for anything else they could gripe about.

Yeah, yeah - you chose to interpret it that way so you could get on your soap box.
Why mention the EU and immigration when they had nothing to do with it.
It was that post that politicised the thread, not Korky, who only stated that it was laughable to mention them, and he did so in a jocular manner, only to be reminded he was politicising the thread. Yet the post removed received several likes including one from yourself Rob, if my memory serves me right.
Also with regards to crime rates in Denmark, it has one of the lowest crime rates on Earth. But then again what has that got to to with camping in Denmark completely eludes me.

I did give it a like Bill but nothing to do with the EU or immigration comment. I couldn't see the point of that bit so ignored it.

I shall comment no more!

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