Dear Phil,,,,,,


Good morning Phil i hope your well & good,

Phil i have asked before but got no response:sad: i am into doing up (Pimping my ride:cool:) as i know of at least 3 or 4 others on here that ive spoken to are too,

would it be at all possible to have a page dedicated to our Mods ie pimping /doing up our Vans,, i mean a page involved with the things we have done to our vans inside & out ie new head unit (STEREO ICE) ICE in car entertainment, drop down tvs, amps, new wheels, new interia, new seats, resprays new lighting ect ect Genaral mods we have done to our vans gizmos gadgets we have fitted, than new awning just had fitted the new Fog lamps you have just fitted youself, that bit of handywork you have just done on your curtains your new seat covers,, oh the list is endless the things we must have done to our vans, i mean we are all DIY NUTS hey,,, i and others i have spoken too would be very interested in a new page just dedicated to things we have done to our beloved vans, ie PIMPS,,,, i know alot of other sites have a page for this type of thing,,so can we please;)?????

many many thanks

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Good morning Phil i hope your well & good,

Phil i have asked before but got no response:sad: i am into doing up (Pimping my ride:cool:) as i know of at least 3 or 4 otheres on here that ive spoken too are too,

would it be at all possible to have a page dedicated to our Mods ie pimping /doing up our Vans,, i mean a page involved with the things we have done to our vans inside & out ie new head unit (STEREO ICE) ICE in car entertainment drop down tvs, amps new wheels new interia new seats resprays new lighting ect ect Genaral mods we have done to our vans gizmos gadgets we have fitted,,,, i and others i have spoken too would be very interested in a new page just dedicated to things we have done to our beloved vans, ie PIMPS,,,, i know alot of other sites have a page for this type of thing,,so can we please;)?????

many many thanks


It's also possible to create your own group page on here with your own sub forum... it's under community/groups.
Hi Phil,

on another site i used to be on with my old van (camper van) the section was called (Pimp my Bongo) and another site for example was called ( show us ya mods) one other is called (show us ya Handy work!)

i can start this new page off with loads of Mods on my van , ive took lots of before & afters photos to show how i had done my work on what ever project i was on!

it would be nice to put all the post that i have seen on here in one handy place because ive seem some awsome work from you guys on here, i mean for example Firefoxs different electrical jobs he has done also recently sorry i cant remember who it was but they was showing there handy work off they had done on there interia,

im always going back & fourth to find the different great jobs you guys have done! they all need to go onto one page dedicated to Mods IMO,, remember when i posted on my rear lights i changed to leds! or when i put blue leds in the bedding area! also the post we had running on mine & northenspirits2001 sound system, we posted photos up on our Amps on that one too,,,, My new swivel seats ive just fitted, i never really know where to post my weekend jobs on the van, all needs to be housed in a new section in one handy place i recon please phil, dont know what you would call it though,,
maybe have a vote on a new name for it?????

Many thanks Mothman,,,,,
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There's already a section for:

[h=2]Show us your Van / Motorhome[/h] (2 Viewing)
This section is tell us about and show us photos of your vehicles. Other members will love to see your pride and joy. Show us your modifications and clever bits!

If we are going to have yet another different section for "Pimp My Ride" on the main board, then can I also request a separate section for "Self Build Motorhomes" which judging by what has already been posted over the last 5 years, posts concerning self builds would outnumber "Pimp My Ride" posts by twenty to one or more.
Hi Firefox that section Imo is not used as much and it could be its title also surgests to show us your van ie a picture of your van, i would like a section that is simply to show us your mods, not not just your van exteria, i know people posts there handy work on that section but its somtimes all over the place its here and there, hard to keep up with all the good work you guys have done,

all im saying is a simple new place to house these Pimps, then as it would be a new section it may be used regulary & we will know exactly what that section is for,


There's already a section for:

If we are going to have yet another different section for "Pimp My Ride" on the main board, then can I also request a separate section for "Self Build Motorhomes" which judging by what has already been posted over the last 5 years, posts concerning self builds would outnumber "Pimp My Ride" posts by twenty to one or more.
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I'm not saying don't have a section for pimps.

I am saying if we do have a section for pimps, then we should also have a section for self build motorhomes on the grounds of frequency of posts about self builds.

Self builds are a totally different subject to showing pics of a van you bought off the shelf, at a show or ebay etc ;)
Yeah i understand what you are saying good idea, then that section will be only for self build as you have done,, the said sections should be stated clear as to what they are used for,,,,, then we will know wher to find the said things we are looking for simple,,,,,, ie mods/pimps this section to do with things we have done to our vans ie the little touches add ons ect ect as i have stated in my post above,,,

self build and pimp section added in the new motorhome section, I am going to have a change around as we have a bit of clutter now.
change round

self build and pimp section added in the new motorhome section, I am going to have a change around as we have a bit of clutter now.

hi phil
can i just say i think you do a brilliant job running this site, thank you for all your hard work and the rest of the management team.:cheers:

Can i just second that well done Phil great job , nice one, im out tonight but will endever to be posting up on the new section, many thanks again,,

Show us ya mods!

I'm not saying don't have a section for pimps.

I am saying if we do have a section for pimps, then we should also have a section for self build motorhomes on the grounds of frequency of posts about self builds.

Self builds are a totally different subject to showing pics of a van you bought off the shelf, at a show or ebay etc ;)

..go on an ask Phil for one then, you're a grown up, don't need ya hand holding!
I have no interest in ice,justthe way i am wired, but i have an healthy interest in rigging up to be comfotable and independant with minimal effort and cost

Aghhhhhhhhhh! get that Battery charged up buddy & post it in the new Pimped section please:cool1::dance:
Cant wait to see your new seats mate,


Hi Mothman still not charged up my camera battery yet but when I do I will show you my gorgeous seats. :cheers:

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