well i never saw mine or test drove it, lol, i had just sold my boat so had the cash, i saw her on ebay and put in a bid, i lost, however, a few days later the seller emailed me and told me the person who had won it backed out because the spec stated diesel and it was turbo diesel, the buyer didnt like the idea of it been turbo diesel, :scared: i new i was in a good negotiating position cos
1. i was paying cash.
2. it wasnt going through ebay, no commison.
3. he did not want the hassle of putting it back on ebay.
4 he had bought a caravan and need the cash.
I got the train to St Austell. the guy,John, who was a very nice man, took me to his house, yeah yeah, i know, i was stupid, but i was in love, lol, had a good look round the van, took her for a spin i was more than happy, we went into St Austell and transferred the money, it was a horrendous stormy night in oct, i went to the pertrol station, filled up and my card had been suspended, :scared: due to the large amount of cash gone, oh my, i was in a pickle, no money, no where to stay, no dogs for company and a dead mobile phone, anyway, stuck on the forecourt in St Austell the garage owner let me go, gave my name and address and promised them i'd send them a cheque, then i finished up staying in a lorry park on Bodmin Moor :scared: this was 4 1/2 years ago and never looked back.