Days like this, day out for knickers


Full Member
Do you ever have days where everything just goes wrong?. Mine started at 9 am this morning, got up (very late for me), got my foot caught in my dressing gown belt, tripped up banged my head on the wall. went in Beely woods with dogs, decided to go a different route, as all the leaves have fallen now you cant see the ground, triped over a tree root and went arse over t*t down an bank into loads of mud, sure henry was laughing at me. I got home, nipped upstairs to get changed, went to loo, pick up loo roll, dropped it but i had hold of one end, it hit the door, bounced out of the bathroom and all the way down the stairs, i had to laugh, theday just got worse, i put on my clean clothes and shot off to B & Q, then to Dunelm Mills, Morrisons for Petrol, nipped in at my mums for a quick cuppa, as i was leaving she said "whats that on your back?" i reached behind and pulled off my lacy black thongs (clean of course) that were stuck to the little velcro tab on the collar of my coat :scared:, yep, theyd been there with me all round shops:rolleyes2:, theres a few folk having a good ol laugh at my expensive,:egg: sure you've had days like these.

Deffo somedays you should just stop in bed ...........

Friday dog runs off the twit cost me 28 euros to liberate from the pound in the Hague, when I find out where he is I run to a waiting vehicle oblivious to a washing line which has left me with a cut on the bridge of the nose and one black eye ...

When I got to the pound, a different story they had contact from me before Léon arrived he was there in the office ...wooing some very attractive dutch girls ...........I wish I had that skill lol ..;then he looks at me ...loser it is easy lol

I have spent most of the evening rolling on my back to induce a tummy tickle ........strangely my colleagues think I have lost it, and worse still no young Dutch ladies have taken pity ....

Alas I am not disheartened no ...Winalot for breakfast ..a shiny coat idf nowt else

:idea-007:a lesson learned there Jen ...when things start to look like a bad day...go back to bed!
I have been out and about today, with 2 litres of cola swishing around in my waste tank, would have loved to have seen you for a photo opportunity....:)
Do you ever have days where everything just goes wrong?. Mine started at 9 am this morning, got up (very late for me), got my foot caught in my dressing gown belt, tripped up banged my head on the wall. went in Beely woods with dogs, decided to go a different route, as all the leaves have fallen now you cant see the ground, triped over a tree root and went arse over t*t down an bank into loads of mud, sure henry was laughing at me. I got home, nipped upstairs to get changed, went to loo, pick up loo roll, dropped it but i had hold of one end, it hit the door, bounced out of the bathroom and all the way down the stairs, i had to laugh, theday just got worse, i put on my clean clothes and shot off to B & Q, then to Dunelm Mills, Morrisons for Petrol, nipped in at my mums for a quick cuppa, as i was leaving she said "whats that on your back?" i reached behind and pulled off my lacy black thongs (clean of course) that were stuck to the little velcro tab on the collar of my coat :scared:, yep, theyd been there with me all round shops:rolleyes2:, theres a few folk having a good ol laugh at my expensive,:egg: sure you've had days like these.


PMSL @ Jen :lol-049:
Been a mixed day for me - Mrs M let go of her car door in the wind and folded the end over against the house and the 'fixed' washing machine tried to shake itself to bits. The wind brought lots of nice firewood off the trees and the mashing machine was cured with 10 mins fiddling. A couple of G&Ts later the world is rosy...
Do you ever have days where everything just goes wrong?. Mine started at 9 am this morning, got up (very late for me), got my foot caught in my dressing gown belt, tripped up banged my head on the wall. went in Beely woods with dogs, decided to go a different route, as all the leaves have fallen now you cant see the ground, triped over a tree root and went arse over t*t down an bank into loads of mud, sure henry was laughing at me. I got home, nipped upstairs to get changed, went to loo, pick up loo roll, dropped it but i had hold of one end, it hit the door, bounced out of the bathroom and all the way down the stairs, i had to laugh, theday just got worse, i put on my clean clothes and shot off to B & Q, then to Dunelm Mills, Morrisons for Petrol, nipped in at my mums for a quick cuppa, as i was leaving she said "whats that on your back?" i reached behind and pulled off my lacy black thongs (clean of course) that were stuck to the little velcro tab on the collar of my coat :scared:, yep, theyd been there with me all round shops:rolleyes2:, theres a few folk having a good ol laugh at my expensive,:egg: sure you've had days like these.


:lol-049::lol-049::lol-049: (sorry Jen but you have cheered me up)

Do you ever have days where everything just goes wrong?. Mine started at 9 am this morning, got up (very late for me), got my foot caught in my dressing gown belt, tripped up banged my head on the wall. went in Beely woods with dogs, decided to go a different route, as all the leaves have fallen now you cant see the ground, triped over a tree root and went arse over t*t down an bank into loads of mud, sure henry was laughing at me. I got home, nipped upstairs to get changed, went to loo, pick up loo roll, dropped it but i had hold of one end, it hit the door, bounced out of the bathroom and all the way down the stairs, i had to laugh, theday just got worse, i put on my clean clothes and shot off to B & Q, then to Dunelm Mills, Morrisons for Petrol, nipped in at my mums for a quick cuppa, as i was leaving she said "whats that on your back?" i reached behind and pulled off my lacy black thongs (clean of course) that were stuck to the little velcro tab on the collar of my coat :scared:, yep, theyd been there with me all round shops:rolleyes2:, theres a few folk having a good ol laugh at my expensive,:egg: sure you've had days like these.


Book an appointment with RT Jen, he is the guy to see, whatever your problem.☺☺☺ Lovely post Jen, you put a smile on my face. My day has turned out to be brilliant, thanks to you.
thanks jen my day needed cheering up and you have def done that regards john and shekey jakey:drive:
That was so funny, thanks for sharing! I do hope you had a much better day today! :)

I think you deserve a beer at New Year for this. Love it. I keep laughing out loud and the dog isn't sure what's going on!
lovely post, thanks for sharing.

we could all do with cheering up these days, where did you say you shop????????? hahahahaha only kidding.


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