dam good news at last

Deleted member 775

hia folks .just a quick post some good news at last ,I HAVE A FULL TIME JOB AT LAST :lol-049::lol-049:.been a long time getting there but at last i am back earning . ok its only keeping our out of town retail park clean and tidy but its getting me my respect in myself back , so happy days are here again .i only seem to get on here for a short while ,but i am using my daughters computer and broadband conection at her home ,so i dont seem to get on here as much as i used to in the past ,anyway i still love to chat with my old and new muckers as and when i can .p.s as per usual i will say hi to all our new members and our old members alike .so watch this space old hillys back ,cheers all and a merry christmas to you all :banana::banana::king:
aup r kid, gud on yer, but then again with you been an immigrant down there you have a better chance of a job than the locals :pc: :baby:
Hi Mandrake, congratulations on getting your new job. It's amazing how good you feel about yourself when you get back into work after being unemployed for a long time. Fifteen months ago I had been unemployed for 18 months after being made redundant, and after getting so many rejections or non replies to my job applications I was seriously thinking that I was effectively retired at 49. But fifteen months ago I was lucky enough to be taken on by my current employer and the feeling of getting my self esteem and confidence back was wonderful, and the money came in handy as well!!!

I hope you continue to go onwards and upwards, all it takes is someone to give you a start and you can work on from there.

To any other wildcampers in a similar situation don't give up, I know it seems like trying to climb everest without ropes but, having been there, I know there are jobs out there, the best of luck to you all. :goodluck:
thanks all . do you know the silly thing about it is, i have been applying for loads of jobs and never seem to recive a reply from most ,but this one i dident even apply for , never had an interveiw .we have been attending a job club for a couple of sessions ,and last thursday we went to our meeting with them and as soon as i walked in through the door ,my advisor asked me if i wanted a job ,i of course said yes and she said ok start friday . so a couple of weeks as they put it training and i will be fully on the books on january the third ,so now its all up to me . i did think it was all a bit of a scam realy ,you know get a couple of weeks work out of me for nothing over xmas ,but having spoken to the boss of the company i have been put on the companies insurance to drive there viehcles ,on and off site and all seems genuine .
Congratulations, what a good start to 2012 .:cheers:

Nice to hear good news for a change, Graham - good luck and merry xmas to you both.:cheers:
Hi Mandrake,

Like Randonneur says "Onwards and Upwards". Good luck to you.

hia folks .just a quick post some good news at last ,I HAVE A FULL TIME JOB AT LAST :lol-049::lol-049:.been a long time getting there but at last i am back earning . ok its only keeping our out of town retail park clean and tidy but its getting me my respect in myself back , so happy days are here again .i only seem to get on here for a short while ,but i am using my daughters computer and broadband conection at her home ,so i dont seem to get on here as much as i used to in the past ,anyway i still love to chat with my old and new muckers as and when i can .p.s as per usual i will say hi to all our new members and our old members alike .so watch this space old hillys back ,cheers all and a merry christmas to you all :banana::banana::king:

Couldn't happen to a nicer person, am made up for ya pal, raise a glass to you and your family xx

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