Deleted member 775
hia folks .just a quick post some good news at last ,I HAVE A FULL TIME JOB AT LAST :lol-049::lol-049:.been a long time getting there but at last i am back earning . ok its only keeping our out of town retail park clean and tidy but its getting me my respect in myself back , so happy days are here again .i only seem to get on here for a short while ,but i am using my daughters computer and broadband conection at her home ,so i dont seem to get on here as much as i used to in the past ,anyway i still love to chat with my old and new muckers as and when i can .p.s as per usual i will say hi to all our new members and our old members alike .so watch this space old hillys back ,cheers all and a merry christmas to you all :banana::banana::king: