I happened to stay over in Cullera 3 times for up to a week
last winter, I noted the following;
The usual berks parking (some camping) on the road below the
residential tower blocks, presumably to save their tyres from
getting muddy! A few were WC members! This road is used as an
overflow carpark when there are events in town. Some Spanish
are just as averse to a long walk as some Brits are, they do
complain to the cops on parking watch.
The usual idiots were piling rubbish bags on to already overflowing
bins in the area, and it was a particularly windy winter. Too lazy to
use near empty bins not so far away.
The twerps getting their water from the nearby local public park
fountain, instead of using the more acceptable roadside fountain,
which of course just happens to be further awy.
The dogowners, (just the irresponsible bunch!) at a guess I'd say
half the number of vans contained a dog, many took their dog
no further than 50m, some cleared up after their pooch had pooped,
but enough just pretended or at most made a token effort as to
have a very noticeable detrimental affect on the area.
I would say that anyone contemplating a stay at Cullera this winter
better not count on it being possible. The locals do have a strong
argument in their favour.