Crazy Spanish Laws


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Take a look at this notice, it's not the usual illegal, 'spur of the moment' job from some irate local council. It is a law passed by the regional government after the neccessary legislation complete with the appropriate reference numbers. Motorhomes definitely 'Prohibido'!


Take a look at the other photo, between the notice & the pylon you can make out a shaded area for cars. This picture of the motorhomes was taken from here. I chatted to a couple of German 'vanners who said they'd been there 3 weeks, Guardia Civil & police passed through a couple of times a day. I asked a Spanish motorhomer "how can this be?", he replied simply "this is Spain".
This was enough for me, we spent a very enjoyable 7 days there. Crazy huh!?
For a moment there, I thought we'd never be able to park in the Ebro Delta again! :lol-061:
IMO it's about numbers. If that motorhome parking dropped to a couple of vans the police might well move in.

Take a look at this notice, it's not the usual illegal, 'spur of the moment' job from some irate local council. It is a law passed by the regional government after the neccessary legislation complete with the appropriate reference numbers. Motorhomes definitely 'Prohibido'!


Take a look at the other photo, between the notice & the pylon you can make out a shaded area for cars. This picture of the motorhomes was taken from here. I chatted to a couple of German 'vanners who said they'd been there 3 weeks, Guardia Civil & police passed through a couple of times a day. I asked a Spanish motorhomer "how can this be?", he replied simply "this is Spain".
This was enough for me, we spent a very enjoyable 7 days there. Crazy huh!?

EEsa no crazeee, always like a theese. Eef any trouble or complaints Policia points at the sign and no arguments. Otherwise it's live and let live.
in truth its always ,well for years ilegal to camp or park in a national park. they may or may not move you. but its fround upon in all the national park areas.
there are bylaws stopping you .but as said it is spain.
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i agree you cant park with in a set distance . but you can sometimes . look for the weay out park facing it and it makes life easier if they do want you to move .mind you could get 160quid fine i did . several years ago. dont stop in denia now . they might get me . hee hee .
The basic premise of this thread is that the Spanish Police are inconsistent in their application of the seemingly confusing camping/parking rules/regs/laws.
Yeah right, would be good if such laws in Spain were clear and concise just as they are in England and applied by the Police in a similar consistent
Likewise the British government. So lets all go wild camping anywhere..... no worries.
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there are places i use in spain where you park at the edge of a village and the guardia come and move you .one once told me park right opposite the guardia station it will be ok .so now we park right outside their office even get water from them .but its all in the same street . still dont understand why. been doing it now for about 30yrs still works .
there are places i use in spain where you park at the edge of a village and the guardia come and move you .one once told me park right opposite the guardia station it will be ok .so now we park right outside their office even get water from them .but its all in the same street . still dont understand why. been doing it now for about 30yrs still works .

Hi Alan

We were told a couple of years ago by the Spanish police that the reason they don't like us overnighting in certain beach areas is because they are on the lookout for illegal boats landing drugs, people etc. They don't have any objection to us; they are simply concerned for our safety because we might get mixed up in the resulting conflict. In my experience, the police will always tell you where you can park for free overnight (providing, of course, you are polite to them!). A good spot in Cabo de Gata is right next to the police station!
cant argue with you on that one .i use cabo as well. the place i was on about is playa de mamola up near adra . i understand it a bit but it seems much wiser to be at the end of village on a bit of waste ground .but no in front of their quarters and its ok.
cant argue with you on that one .i use cabo as well. the place i was on about is playa de mamola up near adra . i understand it a bit but it seems much wiser to be at the end of village on a bit of waste ground .but no in front of their quarters and its ok.

Maybe your reputation has preceded you and they just want to keep an eye on you! :lol-049:
no . i was a good boy years ago ,ha ha . there used to be an elderly couple in a bedford conversion .they used to stop there as well used to see them on and off . think they are up there now .but we used to watch others go to the end then get told to move . have known several fill the sea front . even the local bars are nice there . plus there is a sort of workmans place right on the front .you can get water there as well .all friendly but park on the edge .all hell let loose. all good for a laugh.
I just tell the police Gibraltar should be Spanish, they then cook dinner for me, and do the washing up.

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