Hi folk. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of covenants on property?
We are interested in a house that has a covenant list as long as your arm and one of the restrictions is you are not allowed to park a caravan, boat or "dwelling on wheels" on your parking area. It is a barn convertion with allocated parking, the parking is at the rear of each property.
There are 7 properties in the development converted 11 years ago. We haved viewed 2 of them today, both owners have said that the other property owners are very nice and they can't see a problem if we asked, but we don't want to go down the line of buying one only to be told no!
I always understood that it was the developer who enforces them, In this case the builder owns a fishing lake and club boardering the properties, would it be worth contacting him to get written permission?
Any advice would be much appreciated