convertor charger


sorry i am quite new to this, just bought our first (second hand) motor home
and loving it, but a bit stuck with the zig panel
next to the switch that turns on the electricity there is a switch that says convertor charger, could someone tell me what this is for and when i should have it switched on

many thanks to anyone who replys

"Usually" the converter/charger is when you are hooked upto a 240V supply and the leisure batteries then get recharged by a battery charger, but I believe that it also supplies 12V to the 12V power outlets and any 12V devices (water pumps, lights, etc) as well. I did n't think that you actually have to do anything, the Zig unit "senses" 240V power and just does its thing, but that may depend on the age of the Zig unit as well.

Maybe if you can take a photo and put that up on this site it will help to identify the model and someone can give you more specific advice.
Hi Roger
Thanks for that, will try to take a photo and post it to see if anyone knows what system it is
thanks again

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