Comfortable seats in habitation


Full Member
Hi - my Delica has very "upright-vertical-horizontal" deep foam seating either side of my dining table/lounge (when table is removed). It is not fabulously comfortable for lounging in because of the upright back. ~i have a satisfactory method of putting my feet up, which helps for reading in the evening, but, the Vertical back...... mmm ... i have devised all sorts of angular supportive bits n bobs to try to "angleise" my back support.... a sausage type long cushion at bum level / a pilates blue rubber ball at mid back level / a variety of cushions at the back and at the side of my thighs for arm-supports... but i have not quite cracked the final design for real comfort.

Lockers are underneath all the seating and so there's a flat hard board under the foam to protect the batteries/water tank etc etc.

i have more space upwards from the seats if that helps those clever designers who hang round here to come up with a new angle on this...... (sorry re pun just could not resist!)

Has anyone else had a go at this type of internal chair re-design - or do i just need another £50k+ for a new van :lol-053::lol-053::lol-053:?

Hi, we have similar issues....need cushions to relax in hab area....Maja
Hi - my Delica has very "upright-vertical-horizontal" deep foam seating either side of my dining table/lounge (when table is removed). It is not fabulously comfortable for lounging in because of the upright back. ~i have a satisfactory method of putting my feet up, which helps for reading in the evening, but, the Vertical back...... mmm ... i have devised all sorts of angular supportive bits n bobs to try to "angleise" my back support.... a sausage type long cushion at bum level / a pilates blue rubber ball at mid back level / a variety of cushions at the back and at the side of my thighs for arm-supports... but i have not quite cracked the final design for real comfort.

Lockers are underneath all the seating and so there's a flat hard board under the foam to protect the batteries/water tank etc etc.

i have more space upwards from the seats if that helps those clever designers who hang round here to come up with a new angle on this...... (sorry re pun just could not resist!)

Has anyone else had a go at this type of internal chair re-design - or do i just need another £50k+ for a new van :lol-053::lol-053::lol-053:?

I was watching various youtubers in last couple of days mooching around brand new vans at the NEC and I was actually thinking that just about every seat in the various lounge areas looked uncomfortable for exactly the same reason yours are not comfortable, so save your money!
I tend to put a cushion or two to support and push my lower back out a bit to make it more comfy
I was watching various youtubers in last couple of days mooching around brand new vans at the NEC and I was actually thinking that just about every seat in the various lounge areas looked uncomfortable for exactly the same reason yours are not comfortable, so save your money!
I tend to put a cushion or two to support and push my lower back out a bit to make it more comfy

i have a wide variety of different density cushions which can help.. but on those evenings when you just "cant get comfy" it is irritating !!

i have adapted a piece of very light bit of 6" high insulation board, (which i have covered in curtain-matching fabric) which is the right height for an arm-rest and which i can use when flat for a coffee cup, or with the addition of a small cushion gives me a comfy forearm rest. i can move this to any of my seats so its not taking up too much space.
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....couldn't you get a piece of cushion foam cut/moulded to the shape you need.. ? Maja
...not entirely upholstering firm like those that re-do the bench seats in vans maybe ? Maja
Have never found any comfortable seating in any van apart from the sofa in the Winnebago

Thanks maybe i will stop searching for the impossible ... i change my cushion configuration regularly and one day i will just go BINGO thats it.... but till then.... i move around the different seats in the van and get different views... so that's a bonus
We just use a IKEA sofa with matching storage box underneath... Cheap and comfortable. IMG_20180223_180834.jpg
swivel seats

Althoughit's not possible in all vans, have you considered fitting swivel bases on the cab seats (drivers/passenger) ?

On the Hymer, I can swivel the seats to point into the hab area. I'm lucky to have ISRI seats with lots of adjustments,
this option provides two comfy reclining arm-chairs.

I do agree that the typical m-home bench type seats are not so comfy for long term loafing.

Althoughit's not possible in all vans, have you considered fitting swivel bases on the cab seats (drivers/passenger) ?

On the Hymer, I can swivel the seats to point into the hab area. I'm lucky to have ISRI seats with lots of adjustments,
this option provides two comfy reclining arm-chairs.

I do agree that the typical m-home bench type seats are not so comfy for long term loafing.


thanks james... sadly my van cant use the cab seats... even if it could the cab is FREEZING - tis a mitsubishi truck.... so my curtains and insulation between cab-hab is really thick...
For a very personal shape, you could use one of these kits - but it would require replacing the deli flat cushions with some sort of seat 'shell' (like a fibreglass bucket seat) before using the kit.
Two Part Competition Seat Expanding Foam Kit | JJC Race & Rally

Another option is to ditch the flat cushions (unless they are needed for a bed) and buy a really nice 2nd hand leather car seat from ebay, and mount it to the base board.

A bit off the wall suggestions, but you already have an 'alternative' and characterful vehicle!

Just loving our new Deli as well!


CAR SEATS Nissan Primera (2000) Leather & vinyl. campervan conversion | eBay
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For a very personal shape, you could use one of these kits - but it would require replacing the deli flat cushions with some sort of seat 'shell' (like a fibreglass bucket seat) before using the kit.
Two Part Competition Seat Expanding Foam Kit | JJC Race & Rally

Another option is to ditch the flat cushions (unless they are needed for a bed) and buy a really nice 2nd hand leather car seat from ebay, and mount it to the base board.

A bit off the wall suggestions, but you already have an 'alternative' and characterful vehicle!

Just loving our new Deli as well!


CAR SEATS Nissan Primera (2000) Leather & vinyl. campervan conversion | eBay

Thanks for the ideas.... i do need the delica cushions for a bed... mostly i sleep above the cab but in severe weather i do sleep downstairs so i can switch the gas fire on before i get out of bed !! You're right its an unusual and character van... i get a lot of folks wanting to have a look at it when i travel... it looks macho and rugged and 4WD and manly on the outside - but inside it is predominantly pink !!!

have you got pictures of yours on your profile?
2 degree back lean to one degree seat tilt

Many years ago I did an ergonomics degree, i remember a formula as in my title. This is a side view of the settee I am building in my little doblo xl camper. When its a bed the ply goes like the second photo. There will be 75mm dense foam cushions on the settee and when a bed a 25mm memory foam topper over everything. This is a copy of what I did in my previous doblo. It was comfortable to lounge in. I hope it gives ideas of how to get to comfort. Flat and vertical is too common and still they charge 50000 pounds or more!! Diy is one answer.


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This is not my van, but similar. If you look closely the front of te seat cushion is slightly raised.. I find that this makes the seat much more comfortanble than if the base were flat.


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