coconut cake

n brown

Full Member
never mind all that serious stuff,why is my coconut cake always dry,how can i make it moist and sticky? i've tried adding egg,syrup and soaking the coconut in milk,no joy,this may not seem important to you,but it would make my life complete,but i am rather shallow.
I take it you are using decicated cocnut? Try using fresh grated coconut. You will never again taste anything as scrumtulicious. Alternatively try using tinned coconut the grated nut comes in a syrup. Don't know where you can get it as I havent used it for years but ask around you never know some shops may still have it.
my dad used to make a wicked cocounut cake, he used to squeeze 1/2 of orange in it, that was always moist, not sure if was the orange tho but it might be worth a try, send me sum mmmmmm yummy love it
my dad used to make a wicked cocounut cake, he used to squeeze 1/2 of orange in it, that was always moist, not sure if was the orange tho but it might be worth a try, send me sum mmmmmm yummy love it

i'll give it a you've been kind enough to help,if it works,i'll scoff the lot.yum yum
Try adding cherries - yum - coconut and cherry cake.

You could always bring some to Stonehenge at the weekend for us all to try :tongue:
Or soak dessicated overnight in Bacardi :p

Nooooooooooo soak Bacardi overnight with a bit of desecrated bongo nut ,,,,,,, who then gives a monkies what it tastes like ?

A sure fire peace offering when you park inadvertently on the neighbours electrickery cable they wont give a monkies either.

we should add this to the wildcamping tips

Have you tried using honey instead of sugar? I know this works if you are baking cakes using a microwave.


ps Just off to make some coconut haystacks now, you've started me off!
What are cocnut haystacks? Also whatever happened to those coconut cheescakes we used to get in the shops years ago before this other gooee rubish called sheesecake came along? Never see them now. The best ones I ever had were from one of two places. the tea stall outside Westminster central Hall. and the little bakery in Old Pye Street Westminster.
What are cocnut haystacks?

Can't remember exact quantities, but whisk together 1 egg and caster sugar, add coconut, dollop into a baking sheet or use an egg cup to make nice little mounds, top with a cherry, bake for about 15 mins. Crunchy outside, gooey inside - mmmmmmmmm!:tongue:
I take it you are using decicated cocnut? Try using fresh grated coconut. You will never again taste anything as scrumtulicious. Alternatively try using tinned coconut the grated nut comes in a syrup. Don't know where you can get it as I havent used it for years but ask around you never know some shops may still have it.

cheers mate,reeesult!with 8oz of flour i used a whole coconut and a load of cherries and now i feel a bit sick,very nice
Fruitcake was excellent!

But soak coconut cake in any kind of spirit, or sugar syrup and problems will be solved.

My Mum always used to feed xmas cake with rum and whiskey for about a month.

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