Cock or Bull?


After spending last night at the glorious viewpoint above Loch Broom near Ullapool I set off early toward Inverness. Fifteen miles down the road I found myself needing a poo (as one does early in the morning if one is regular) and by chance there was the WC sign for the forest car park and toilets on the right hand side of the road. Whilst sat on the loo and reading all the messages left for each other by the locals....Mostly there were people in desperate need for male chickens..... and some were even posted on behalf of their wives, I noticed. Perhaps it's some sort of farmer's market dealing in poultry here on a Weekend or something?
Anyway I digress..... whilst sat there contemplating my navel. I couldn't help but notice a two inch diameter hole that someone had taken the trouble to drill neatly with a core drill through the door at about waist level. I can't for the life of me think what this might be for. That's a bit of an intrusion on ones privacy, I thought. Maybe it's for the make sure no-one is in residence before he/she barges in. Does anybody have any ideas?....Just out of curiosity you understand.
Try googling glory hole. :scared: :scared:

You probably would'nt want to use that loo at night, or be anywhere in the vicinity after dark. :danger: :scared:
You sure it was not you that made the hole ????
We all know that you fond of public toilets ????

You've been in my toolbag Charlie...I haven't got one big enough.....a core drill that is!
That hole is for emergency use only in case the urinal is blocked. Beautiful sunset at Tongue tonight.
Could be a rat hole. Take a baseball bat just in case one pokes it's head through...
I'm going past there soon, just the place for a 'wildcamping' sticker!
Och, only a two-inch hole?? If y'da stopped nearer ta Loch Ness y'da seen a wee monster!! :scared:

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