Choice of user names... there's always one


On a metal detecting forum I use someone started a thread asking why people chose their usernames and what they meant. On there I'm Timesearch, because my job involved historical research, on here I'm Bushtrekker because I also used to run survival courses. Some names, are obviously combinations of names, or related to vehicles, others aren't so obvious, such as why is Jen Kimbowbill? On the other forum the thread ran for ages, but the one which brought it to a halt while everybody stopped laughing was Morning Wood:raofl:
not exactly their official username, but nicknamed one (other forum) user "thrush" cos he was "an irritating C**t" !! shhhhh!!! dont tell anyone !! lol:lol-053::lol-053::lol-053:
On a metal detecting forum I use someone started a thread asking why people chose their usernames and what they meant. On there I'm Timesearch, because my job involved historical research, on here I'm Bushtrekker because I also used to run survival courses. Some names, are obviously combinations of names, or related to vehicles, others aren't so obvious, such as why is Jen Kimbowbill? On the other forum the thread ran for ages, but the one which brought it to a halt while everybody stopped laughing was Morning Wood:raofl:

there is a thread running on here too, somewhere, but to save you the hassle of looking, my name derives from, as you said, a combo of names, kimba, my horse, boat and my parrot, billie, that was years ago and its stuck, problem is, if i dont put my name, peeps think i'm a bloke, lol
on metal detecting forums and angling forums and sheep sha**ing forums

i use my other name Vespaman

here im the above name as i wanted a break from scooter jokes.
i know a guy from the carmel starfish motorcycle club called Kim

hes a bloke i know he peed on my scoot one night as he couldnt got out of its way :lol-053:
I didn't think you were a bloke Jen...

I originally thought you were a couple called Kim and Bill, but I'll be able to confirm that on Saturday.
I once made a typing mistake on another forum and got some weird replies from women..

I intended to go on the site as Bushtuckerman after the Australian survival series. It was only after I started getting strange emails that I looked again and realised the 'T' had come out as 'S'
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some pics of last years detecting.

mortar tail arckie dig looking for battle of mons grampus .

the natives came at us and they were armed to the teeth

richard evans rally 2011 alford linconshire last year.

same rally run for cover

modified xterra 705 my idea,guy in sweden has it now.

ive since givin up the hobby i had been in it since 1995
i even started the first xp owners forum before it was passed to toddy then nigel at regtons.
dont know why i,m could stand for..Perhaps I,m Not Knackered!
Don't let them speculate...

...or the thread could be banned;)
detecting day from last year toddys digs i travelled from aberdeen to outside boness 125 miles for a dig,note the scenic at top of field during tea break comment
jan 30th

it was fecking freezing

i make a few appearance init as vespaman

Toddys 30th January Dig - YouTube

im looking at getting a beach pulse machine now for sanna bay in ardnamurchan viking country :)
maybe we should have a new thread any swingers in town

metal detectorists :)
lol,good point..why am i so naive??;)..ok,pinks my favourite least it was when i was 5..much prefer lilac these days
Not as naive as the lady who posted on another forum last week...

Asking how to get rid of a damp stain...:D
lady at work asked me whats a golden shower she read it in a book on her kindle

shes 63 i told her its like silver taps but only gold leafed she was happy with that.:ninja:
omg lol, and i bet she got told to use a hairdryer and invest in some tenna ladys..;)
Something like that...

I'm surprised you aren't coming to the meet at Netherseal as it's so close to you. It will be nice to put faces to names.
didnt know about it, havnt checked out the meets yet..and i dont get my mh until the end of the month,so not sure if i,m allowed ?lol

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