Charging problems


We have a Mobilvetta on an Iveco engine(2001), we are having problems with charging our batteries and maintaining charge when fully charged. Someone suggested that it may be caused by split charge relay unit, Can anyone advise where to locate this?? Otherwise any other ideas

We have a Mobilvetta on an Iveco engine(2001), we are having problems with charging our batteries and maintaining charge when fully charged. Someone suggested that it may be caused by split charge relay unit, Can anyone advise where to locate this?? Otherwise any other ideas


Usually near your battery ubder the bonnet, It will look like two black boxes side by side about the size of two matchboxes. hope this helps, You could also test the battery with engine running you should be getting about 14volts, switch engine off and see if it drops to between 12 and 13 volts. How old are your batteries, they might need changing depending on the use and frequency of charges. Hope this helps. Buy a voltmeter from halfords or maplins, dont buy a dear one just one about 5 quid.:D:D:D:D

Whilst at Halfords ask them to check your battery condition this is usually free....
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