Charging a Laptop

  • Thread starter Jacques le foot
  • Start date

Jacques le foot

Hi All,....Can anyone please tell me how best to keep my laptop charged when we are not on electric hook-up. I have a 150w inverter, which charges it fine via the cig lighter when we are on the move, but when I tried to charge it from the van's 12v system while we were parked tripped the inverter.
Thank you

Hi Jacky,
First check power input of the laptop (usualy 18V).
I use an adaptor 12V to 14V> 24V with cig lighter plug. Have a cig.socket mounted off your leisure battery; otherwise you drain your starting battery (a flat starting battery is not that good :mad:)
Don't waste your time and electric converting up from 12v to 240v to then converting back down by plugging in the laptop charger!

Maplins and others sell a universal laptop power supply that plugs into the cigar lighter, mine has all common voltages fron 12 to 22v and a range of adaptors to fit most laptops.

Mine will power all three that I have, an IBM, an HP and a Toshiba, so I'm sure it will run & charge yours. Maplins tend to have offers/sales most months so keep an eye on their website for when the knock a fiver off!
Just had a look and mine N59AC is 70w at std price of £19.99 - good luck, just check 70w is enough, if you use it all the time then the battery will remain charged and so 70w will be fine!
Bear in mind the latest Hp's use a new connector which is unique to them. I had to scrounge a second lead from them to cut off and solder to the lead from a Maplin power supply...also they are now awkward at 18.5 volts not the usual 18 or 19 (as with Acer)
My laptop is an Acer too. So (please excuse my ignorance) where does that leve me?:confused:
Thanks..I have just been on Maplin website, and seen the adaptor you are quoting. I understand that this will be fine for charging my laptop while we are on the move, but will it be possible to use it in a 12v socket in my motor home while we are parked up. ( I know I will need another adaptor for it to fit out 12v system..I have to use one with all our 'cig lighter' plugs)


Just add a cig lighter socket to your leisure battery as Belgian suggested


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Thanks a you lots..but wouldn't even know how to go about doing that...I am female afterall!! and blonde (even though it is out of a bottle haha)....more info please :D

Thanks a you lots..but wouldn't even know how to go about doing that...I am female afterall!! and blonde (even though it is out of a bottle haha)....more info please :D

Hi Jackie the false blonde :):D
(even dumb bl...... :rolleyes: can do this) :confused::D
Connect the middle of the cig socket to the + pole of the battery (and the other wire to the -) Done :eek::D
My laptop is an Acer too. So (please excuse my ignorance) where does that leve me?:confused:

Increasingly manufacturers are using dedicated connectors and not the generic you can buy with standard laptop power adapters.
I have a 15 inch Acer as well as my HP. and the generic tips from Maplins & Trust do not fit securely so it will switch momentarily from 12v external to internal battery needing some fiddling to switch back.
When in the States last year I picked up from Radio Shack the correct tip, all of which seem available in the US. (even the new type HP.) while over here manufacturers are less co-operative.
Example, HP. tip in the USA. cost me the equivalent of £1.69, over here HP. sell their "Air" adapter for something over £90 as the only officially supported power adapter.
:D Now , now Leo!! I'm not so dumb..honestly!!! I know most of what there is to know about feet ...just 'not much' about techy computer stuff :eek:
But I'm learning thanks to you guys ;)
This is turning into an interesting thread... I'm waiting to see how Sagart is going to describe how to fit a cigar socket, wire a cigar plug and re-wire a laptop charger all via email to... a blonde!!!

I wait with baited breath for the next installment!!!
carico694...that was downright spiteful..I shall treat the remark with the contempt that it deserves.:p
I think carico forgot you're a 'bottle blonde' so you're only playing at being thick!!!!

A real blonde couldn't even spell laptop let alone switch one on!!!!!!!!

(I'm not a complete idiot... bits of me are missing!!)
This is turning into an interesting thread... I'm waiting to see how Sagart is going to describe how to fit a cigar socket, wire a cigar plug and re-wire a laptop charger all via email to... a blonde!!!

I wait with baited breath for the next installment!!!

Cruel, very cruel!
Answer is easy.
1. Go to
2. Ring 01821 - 670212
3. Have Credit card ready
4. Wait delivery
5. Open door
6. Plug in adapter
7. Plug in laptop
8. Switch on

And you thought I couldn't advise??
Thanks a you lots..but wouldn't even know how to go about doing that...I am female afterall!! and blonde (even though it is out of a bottle haha)....more info please :D


If you have 2 pin sockets in the camper you could use an adaptor.

Type in 2CIG in the "quick search" box here;-;jsessionid=15469baf780f9f2/shopdata/index.shopscript?

Something similar should be available at most caravam accessory shops.
I use Kensington adaptors - good quality, can be had on Ebay cheap sometimes.SEE HERE
Input your laptop models and it will tell you which tips you require.As long as you need less than 120w.

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