Cash from ATMs in France


I have a Maestro debit card. Am I likely to be able to draw cash out of ATMs with it just as I do in the UK or will I have to use a VISA or proper MasterCard?
Best ask your Bank - just to be on the safe side.
The cheapest Bank/Building Soc is the Nationwide. They don't charge commission on funds drawn abroad.
There is also this Travel Money Card. I don't know anything about it but some people may have found it useful
My wife uses maestro all the time without a problem, hers is with HSBC, mine has 'link' on it issued by Nationwide and I have no problem either. However, you will be charged a hefty fee by the bank when you use it unless you are with the Nationwide or have a HSBC PLUS account which for £12 a Month gives you worldwide travel insurance and no charges at ATM's worldwide. Chip and pin has been in use here for years but you will not be able to get fuel out of hours at the automated fuel pumps, they only accept French cards. Have a nice holiday.
Practically all cash-points accept Meastro, Mastercard and Visa.
To avoid extra change rates: when paying with a credit card most supermarkets give cash (free) when you round up your bill (e.g. your bill is 60 €, ask to round up for 200 €; and you get 140 € cash, free of banking costs) ;)
Chip and pin has been in use here for years but you will not be able to get fuel out of hours at the automated fuel pumps, they only accept French cards. Have a nice holiday.

Nearly forgot this: some automated pumps accept Visa also ( but not all !).
It is no problem to use a card in serviced supermarket pumps when those are manned.
Getting fuel on sundays can be a problem: like Guerdeval says: only French cards !
english cards abroad

not all cards are accepted in machines especialy at french fuel stations where possibly only local bank cards are accepted
the french chip and pin system is more refind than ours they think our cards are more un secure so if you use a english card with chip and pin you might still have to sign a reciept
using maestro is harder than visa especialy if buying things like ferry tickets where only visa and american express are used it seems to me that there is a distrust of nat west on the net unless it is a credit card .
still we dont want to borrow money do we especialy to pay for a holliday,
a holliday on tick what a bad idea !
visa debit is cheaper than credit cards as no fees to pay.
best bet is get a nationwide account with a visa debit card where you can draw local cash with no fees at all
you get your cash at the exchange rate for that day in any country you are in been doing it for years and i believe the most cost efective way
My wife uses maestro all the time without a problem, hers is with HSBC, mine has 'link' on it issued by Nationwide and I have no problem either. However, you will be charged a hefty fee by the bank when you use it unless you are with the Nationwide or have a HSBC PLUS account which for £12 a Month gives you worldwide travel insurance and no charges at ATM's worldwide.

Chip and pin has been in use here for years but you will not be able to get fuel out of hours at the automated fuel pumps, they only accept French cards. Have a nice holiday.

???£12 a month = £144 a year for travel insurance ?
you can get european holliday/travel insurance for around £75 a year for a couple we do and i also have to declare medical problems ie a pacemaker ect this link will help you save some cash i hope
good luck

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