Cars and vans in Gibraltar


Cars and vans in Gibraltar

Does anyone know the situation with getting a vehicle an MOT
in Gibraltar.
Since it is technically in the UK , what is to stop people with British
vehicles in Spain going there for the MOT
There must be some facility for Gib residents surely.
Cars and vans in Gibraltar

Does anyone know the situation with getting a vehicle an MOT
in Gibraltar.
Since it is technically in the UK , what is to stop people with British
vehicles in Spain going there for the MOT
There must be some facility for Gib residents surely.

You cannot get an MOT for a British Registered vehicle in Gibraltar. They do a similar test but only for Gib Reg vehicles. Like you I wish they did, but there's just no way round this problem you have to come back to the UK.
Occasionally in freebie newspapers on the costas some shysters advertise the selling of UK MOT Certificates made out to your vehicles registration, but as far as I am aware this is illegal.
You cannot get an MOT for a British Registered vehicle in Gibraltar. They do a similar test but only for Gib Reg vehicles. Like you I wish they did, but there's just no way round this problem you have to come back to the UK.
Occasionally in freebie newspapers on the costas some shysters advertise the selling of UK MOT Certificates made out to your vehicles registration, but as far as I am aware this is illegal.

Very much illegal 1000 euros fine if you get stopped and it dose not show up on the computer. Even if it is English reg takes 20min to find out I am told.
as said .plus you cant register in gib .unless you really are a resident there. even buying a vehicle there is a bit of a bind . they wont release a logbook in your name untill it as mot tax and insurance .plus a residental address and proof of residancey.
as byronic says be nice if you could.
I realise it's stating the bleeding obvious but getting an MOT just before you depart these hallowed shores will at least give you the full year.
The other great idea for the day is to get a brand new van you'll have 3 worry free years then!!
Brit shysters ??

You cannot get an MOT for a British Registered vehicle in Gibraltar. They do a similar test but only for Gib Reg vehicles. Like you I wish they did, but there's just no way round this problem you have to come back to the UK.
Occasionally in freebie newspapers on the costas some shysters advertise the selling of UK MOT Certificates made out to your vehicles registration, but as far as I am aware this is illegal.

Brit shysters ?? .... on the Costas of Spain ???? ....( Shome mishtake ,surely - Ed ) :lol-061:

Makes me wonder if it's the same little team that have been in the news recently
... formerly of Alicante ... now staying at one of the HMP chain of hotels :lol-053:
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Brit shysters ?? .... on the Costas of Spain ???? ....( Shome mishtake ,surely - Ed ) :lol-061:

Makes me wonder if it's the same little team that have been in the news recently
... formerly of Alicante ... now staying at one of the HMP chain of hotels :lol-053:

On the last count we had here i think we had 3 more brit shysters here than the UK had so we win:lol-053::lol-053:
Costa del crime

Hi Oldtech,

Just finished two books on the Brinks Matt robbery in the eighty's 28 million in Gold Bars and some of it is still at large in and about Kent, but a lot of the robbers did not live to enjoy it,even on the Costas. They melted it down and sold it back to Johnson Matthey, so if you bought gold since the mid eighty's there is a good chance it's Brinks Matt GOLD. Be afraid :scared::scared::scared::ninja::ninja:


Brit shysters ?? .... on the Costas of Spain ???? ....( Shome mishtake ,surely - Ed ) :lol-061:

Makes me wonder if it's the same little team that have been in the news recently
... formerly of Alicante ... now staying at one of the HMP chain of hotels :lol-053:
Kind of Freudian slip there Oldtech, did I say Brit Shysters..... I think not?

I would say these days that the Brits have lost the top spot when it comes to crime on the costas. Shall we say the new members of the EU now have the dubious distinction of wearing that crown.
Hi Oldtech,

Just finished two books on the Brinks Matt robbery in the eighty's 28 million in Gold Bars and some of it is still at large in and about Kent, but a lot of the robbers did not live to enjoy it,even on the Costas. They melted it down and sold it back to Johnson Matthey, so if you bought gold since the mid eighty's there is a good chance it's Brinks Matt GOLD. Be afraid :scared::scared::scared::ninja::ninja:


Be afraid.... I think not. Be very grateful. If you bought gold in the eighties it would be worth 7 or 8 times as much now.
Cars and vans in Gibraltar

Does anyone know the situation with getting a vehicle an MOT
in Gibraltar.
Since it is technically in the UK , what is to stop people with British
vehicles in Spain going there for the MOT
There must be some facility for Gib residents surely.

when did gib become technically part of the UK ?
when did gib become technically part of the UK ?

Gib's almost part of the UK, but not quite being a.... British Overseas Territory. Represented in the European Parliament by the British South West Representative so for the purposes of the Britih MOT the Test facility in Gib should be considered part of the UK, with particular reference to Motorhomes.
I nominate vwalan (he lives in the Constituency) to approach the SW of England MEP to put this proposal forward asap.
hi. so i could .but as it is i would rather sugest we give gibralter back to the moroccans . i think that would really upset the spanish.
like i say its full of spanish that dont want to be spanish .full of english that dont want to be english .the nicest ones there are the moroccans and they get tret like s--t.
oh i forgot the gibralterians . the monkeys they have the other half of their family in the ceder forests over in maroc anyway. hee hee
Have taken my hobby750 on GIB stopped by customs

Last year took van on GIB customs stopped me and gave me a form it stated you may not sell rent this vehicle,
you must be off GIB by 9pm if you are found after this time your vehicle will be compounded:( And the only place to park really is morrisons ok for cheap fuel fags or refreshments though:)
what's the point of gib anyway,none of the caffs make a decent cup of tea,unless you like old stewed lukewarm pi55 in a glass cup,the monkeys are a bunch of thieves i could go on,get some good buskers there sometimes
for years now its been illegal to park or camp in a motor home on gib. caravans arent allowed at all. some have been using a carpark to camp on but yes its not allowed . mind its nice to drive through the tunnel again . as you can now drive right around the rock . my dad used to take us through when i was a kid . brings back memories . there are some nice folk on the rock. we do have one or two on here . but best advice you can have is take the bus from the border . saves lots of hassle. and its cheap. good motor bike club on the rock .they do sometimes let bikers have a bed if needed. interesting place but the queue to get in and out can spoil it.
you can now get the ferry to morocco from gib once again . tickets from turners travel in irish town.
Gib's almost part of the UK, but not quite being a.... British Overseas Territory. Represented in the European Parliament by the British South West Representative so for the purposes of the Britih MOT the Test facility in Gib should be considered part of the UK, with particular reference to Motorhomes.
I nominate vwalan (he lives in the Constituency) to approach the SW of England MEP to put this proposal forward asap.

they are not represented in parliament as not in the UK and should not be considered as being so

they are however an associate member of the EU hence represented in the EU parliament
Yes as I've written represented in the European Parliament. However that still doesn't get us an MOT.
Still reckon Alan's the man to get his MEP to put forward the proposal.
A lot of motorhomers get a bit upset by the attitude towards them in Gib, but come on where do you think they get their ideas from, do you reckon it might be from the land where motorhoming probably originated from and where it's so positively tolerated..... now I wonder where that could be!!! Gib at least does have the genuine excuse of being tight on space.
as its not really part of the uk. it wouldnt help regarding the exporting of vehicles if going to be out of uk for more than 12 months . also doesnt come into our computer system. its really much more complex than just getting mot,s .
i know had difficulty when i bought a in gib. couldnt register it or export it etc . it needed mot tax insurance just to be put in my name . as it was i took it out regardless .but it caused lots of probs to get it registered in uk. contacting an mep .cant change all the other laws that it seems you think an mot will by-pass. unfortunately i think it would be a total waste of effort. untill gib becomes a proper part of uk not a free port. and abides with full uk rules and gets recognized by the uk system it cant work.
I didn't really think it was going to be a goer. I was just humouressly hypothesizing well at least I thought so.

And as for bureacracy thanks to the DVLA I've lost my BIKING entitlement many years out of the country their excuse for losing records. So at my advanced years I'm going to do the whole test again Theory CBT Mod 1 and 2 much more difficult nowadays but thats another forum altogether.

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