Canterbury Park and ride?


Free Member

We are taking the tunnel to France on Tuesday morning and have been thinking about stopping at the Canterbury Park and Ride - has anyone used it and is it suitable for us to arrive at on Monday evening and leave 7ish Tuesday morning? we have always driven straight to the tunnel from Suffolk but this time would like a more relaxing start to the day.

Haven’t used a park and ride before so not sure how it all works, do we just get a ticket when we go in and pay when we leave?

Many thanks
Great stop imho.get in about 19’30 and depart quietly when you want ,stayed there a few weeks back again ,they’ve got an even bigger spot to the right through the barrier ,shame there’s not more like this,toilet and water dump I can.around 20 mins to tunnel
Easy take a ticket at the barrier, pay at machine when you leave, overnight will now cost you £7 as it is £3-50 up to midnight daily.Free bus to Canterbury, toilet dump and water and a skip at the P n R.
You can leave at any time but you can’t get in after a certain time - I think it’s about 20.00hrs. Check out beforehand.
"You can't enter the car park after 8.30pm but you can exit any time." from P&R web page.

If you miss this deadline I have seen many park on the access road in/out not creating obstructions.

Don't take the B2068 route to tunnel unless your a PVC. Took my Frankia 7m A class down there in April and an a***hole farm wagon took my mirror clean off and didn't stop. Nowhere to turn around sharpish to catch up with him. I'm LHD and was a close as I could get to the hedge and slowed down he just carried on towards us at 50mph plus, scared the £$%^ out of the missus. I'll go the A2 route next time.

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