Can't sign to emails


Full Member
Hi, we are in France and have been for two weeks. Last night Microsoft will not let me sign in to my emails. I have reset the password etc it said it would take a month for the settings to register but I still am getting the box saying that I can't sign in that I need to put in my password. I am going around in circles. Can anyone help please. Pj
Its prob that you are using a proxy ip address,you should be using thunderbird on windows which is secure,its easy to do just open up sine and password then all mail from anyone will be pulled in.
Some sites as you will find blank out proxy ips to stop snippers opening up your mail,if you have tried to s/in to many times then they lock you out.
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Microsoft state the following.
We have recently implemented a security update called Familiar location protection to keep our customers’ accounts secure.

The message "You haven't signed in from this location recently." will occur if you are signing in from a location more than 300 miles from your normal location.

The Microsoft account service will prompt you for an additional challenge to complete the log in.

Codes can be the date of birth, or receiving a code sent to your SMS number or alternate email if configured.

In line with this, I will need you to configure your computer as your trusted PC and other security information for added protection to your account.

With the new system update, you can remove old inaccessible security information on your account automatically after 30 days.
To do that:

1. Log in to this link.

2. Click Delete on the security information you do not have access to. (Alternate email, Trusted PC, Mobile number)

3. Select "No, I Don't have access" button. (The date on when the security information will be removed will appear )

4. Click Delete Security Info.

5. Update the account with new Security Info.

6. Click Save.

You just need to wait for 30 days for all the information to be removed and the new security information to be automatically confirmed.
Anyone using a VPN can get the same from gmail because it does not recognise the IP address as one you have used before.
I've had more security alerts on my various email addresses lately than I can shake a stick at! Microsoft and Google really are going to town on security, even on devices I've used again and again.
I've never actually been locked out though (touch wood) and hope this isn't an indication of what a trip overseas would bring :scared:

More generally, Microsoft are very awkward about recovering an account if you forget the password, especially if you haven't used an account in a long time. It's well worth filling in the details for backup contact that they always offer... another email address or a mobile phone number. Since it's a free service, there's not a great deal of help available either.

Good luck... hope it works out for you.
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Anyone using a VPN can get the same from gmail because it does not recognise the IP address as one you have used before.

I have found that using a VPN actually prevents this problem from occurring with Gmail, because I use the VPN at home as well. I've also found that Gmail are happy with me using Outlook on my PC from a different location (without the VPN) if I have first connected from that location (also without the VPN) using my Android tablet.

Can't sign into emails.

Thank you to all who have replied to my call for help. I am afraid I don't know what a VPN or ISP server is and or to change them or choose them. However, I followed as best as I could the instructions and got a text back with a code to enter. Even though I did all this it kept asking me to verify my account over and over again.
Don't know what else I can do.
Again thank you for all replies, I know it is hard to explain.
Do you have another device that you can try?

When ultimately you manage to access your account make sure that you provide a different email address as a means of unlocking your account should this happen again.

There are a number of suggestions on the web to resolve your problem. I searched for 'hotmail verify account loop' ....

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