Microsoft state the following.
We have recently implemented a security update called Familiar location protection to keep our customers’ accounts secure.
The message "You haven't signed in from this location recently." will occur if you are signing in from a location more than 300 miles from your normal location.
The Microsoft account service will prompt you for an additional challenge to complete the log in.
Codes can be the date of birth, or receiving a code sent to your SMS number or alternate email if configured.
In line with this, I will need you to configure your computer as your trusted PC and other security information for added protection to your account.
With the new system update, you can remove old inaccessible security information on your account automatically after 30 days.
To do that:
1. Log in to this link.
2. Click Delete on the security information you do not have access to. (Alternate email, Trusted PC, Mobile number)
3. Select "No, I Don't have access" button. (The date on when the security information will be removed will appear )
4. Click Delete Security Info.
5. Update the account with new Security Info.
6. Click Save.
You just need to wait for 30 days for all the information to be removed and the new security information to be automatically confirmed.