Can't believe I did something so stupid ........................


Full Member
Hopefully there is no-one else out there that would be so daft .. but having done it, I can't believe how easy it was so want to post a warning of sorts ...

Last week I changed the bedding on the drop down bed in our A class and had to switch the light above the bed on to see what I was doing. I think I then started checking cupboards or something, leaving the bed down, then just switched the 12v off above the door on my way out.

My husband then got in several days later in the daylight to pull it onto the drive to fill up with water, obviously putting the bed up. We put the 12v on to pull water through and then set off the Pitsford reservoir for the weekend. When we got there we could smell a plasticky burning smell, but couldn't track it down at all, so we opened the roof vent and switched the 12v off, thinking that we would clear the air and then put 12v on again, assuming that it was posibly to do with hot engine or something. We went off for a nice stroll and when we came back there was still a slight smell but not too strong anymore so we closed vent, put the 12v back on and sat down to have a cup of tea and read.

It wasn't until I reached up into the bed to pull out a pillow to lean against that we realised where the horrible smell was coming from - the light above the bed must have been on from when we switched 12v on and it had melted the whole light fitting, burnt a patch of the ceiling and melted a hole about 12" square into the pillow.

I keep going cold each time I think just how serious this could really have been ... if we'd left 12v on when we sent off for a walk ... if this had happened on the drive at home when no-one would have gone near the motorhome for days ...
I'm sure nobody else would be so daft (yeah right!), but it's a useful reminder to everyone.

Glad that the damage wasn't any more severe.

I assume everyone has a working smoke-alarm fitted and the correct fuses/circuit breakers in case of mishaps?
Unfortunately we only really learn by our own mistakes.
I nearly decapitated a few French folk with my open window on my first trip.:dance:
unlike others who would never do something so stupid (and own up)you have fair play to you,these things happen every day(not to me though) it's called an accident.
Absolutely time for LEDs in the lighting area, saves your batteries anyway and don't blow.

Thanks for sharing your misfortune so we can learn from your mistakes. Luckily it was only the pillow.
Well if you change your lights as suggested, change the pillow case and pop a picture of David Essex over the roof stain and kiss it goodnight to make the hubby jealous enough to put some spice back in your sex life then all in all it's not a bad result really. :sleep-027:
Nasty that, my worst foohpah was driving out of my garden with the hook up cable still plugged into the van, not live thankfully, but it cost me money to replace the fittings.
Let them who done nowt daft cast the first stone

I once set off with my awning still out

Off to the naughty corner
Well if you change your lights as suggested, change the pillow case and pop a picture of David Essex over the roof stain and kiss it goodnight to make the hubby jealous enough to put some spice back in your sex life then all in all it's not a bad result really. :sleep-027:

David Who????

He's bald & Grey now isn't he.

Maybe you meant Joey Essex?????:yeahthat:
Gosh, that is easily done! Lesson learnt here, thank you for posting and warning us all. It is so easy to get side tracked, especially at my age!!
My better half (always best to say that before making her look foolish) lit the grill on our van before lifting the the worktop that covers the rings. Fortunately we smelt it cooking before we all became toast!
Excuse me miss, you forgot to wear underwear…
i swear this is true.we were parked on the headland at quarteira algarve,and the cops came down heavy to move us about extremely short sighted son in law,after a shouting match with the law,jumped furiously into his single decker,slammed it into gear and drove straight into a large prickly pear patch,metres from the cliff he spun his wheels on the slippy cactus i ran up and dragged his door open,wanting to calm him down,which is when i noticed his windscreen curtains were still closed! "i thought it was a bit dark"was all he said as he squinted at me

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