Decided to spend a few night up on the Chase, arrived there late Friday Evening and because of the signs in some of the car parks decided to give them a miss and headed for the car park near the Army Cadets hut. Woken up on Saturday moning by a banging on the door and opened it to see a Forestry Commision ranger standing there. "You are not allowed to "camp" here overnight so you have 2 options" Asked him what they were and option 1 was to pay a £10 "fine" in lieu of the camp site fees which i should have paid had i gone on to Tackaroo site or he would take my registration number and report me which could mean a court case. After a short "discussion" on where were the signs saying no parking etc he explained that the car parks with signs up belonged to Staffordshire County Council and the Forestry Commision by laws prohibited overnight "camping" anywhere on their land on the Chase except in the caravan site. I tried to explain that i was not "camping", i was only parking and explained the differences between the two. Seeing that i was getting nowhere with the discussion i told him to take the registration and if needs be i will see him in the civil court.
Will keep you informed of any further action
Will keep you informed of any further action