Can you get a divorce from your children?


Next week my eldest daughter has invited herself along after not having come on holiday with us for years and tonight my other daughter's boyfriend said they are planning to take a week off in August and come and join us wherever we are then. It's not that I don't love them, just that I was looking forward to getting time to myself when I retired, which I haven't managed so far.

The Orkneys are looking inviting at the moment for July, depending on the weather. Plan 'B' if the weather is rubbish is to head for Dunkirk on the cheapest possible crossing, then head off to wherever the weather looks good. Last time I drove in France I loved the quiet roads and the countryside, not to mention the local markets, but came back with a war wound after jumping into a German bunker showing off to my daughter.
We were camping then, but used one of the municipal camp sites and were very impressed, although not quite as much when I walked up a lane to investigate a noise and found about a hundred muslims praying in an outdoor mosque just up the road. Somebody explained that gatherings like this are not unusual as arabs come over via Marseilles and travel round.

It's strange what you see on your travels, In Albufeira we saw a sign which read 'Real English Nescafe, proper made.' :)
only yourself to blame .
you should have ate them while they were still young .
best while the bones are still soft and chewy.
Just make sure you grow old enough to be a burden on them...
I find this thread worrying, as we have not long had our van and I assumed that we would be able to leave the kids and grand kids behind. May be this isn't possible, hopefully because there is only two seat belts, this will stop them and peace will prevail.
If not may be a smaller van will work.
I find this thread worrying, as we have not long had our van and I assumed that we would be able to leave the kids and grand kids behind. May be this isn't possible, hopefully because there is only two seat belts, this will stop them and peace will prevail.
If not may be a smaller van will work.

Worry not modern van manufacturers have identified this problem.and come up with the isolated surrondings of a garage to keep a tag on the sprigs
Look, if you have made it to retirement age then you have looked after your family and now you deserve some time on your own with your partner.
Just be a little selfish and tell them that you want to be alone for a while.
I am sure they will understand.
When I got my MH I told them all that it would be me and me only that would be driving it and that it was bought for me and their mother/grandmother to enjoy.
The family accepted that fact and wished us all the best.
You cpould invite Rubber Tramp Basil dog and me along and tell the sprogs that we are wilding in the extreem, that should sort them out.;)
You are a very foolish person, bringing this all upon yourself. When my son was 16, we packed him off to Bickton College. The first Christmas he came home to find he had no bedroom. He's now in Canada with his own family.
I only started this Mhome thing since 2010 My children left home between 7 to 10 years ago we keep intouch but only visit each other now and then I have an open door policy that they can come to stay anytime and is always a pleasure to have any of them around.
They are welcome to go on holidays with us provided they pay their own share As for the motorhome none of them nor the otherhalf showed any interest in it
Is it me , any other MHer share the same experience
Next week my eldest daughter has invited herself along after not having come on holiday with us for years and tonight my other daughter's boyfriend said they are planning to take a week off in August and come and join us wherever we are then. It's not that I don't love them, just that I was looking forward to getting time to myself when I retired, which I haven't managed so far.

They probably think that it's the only way they are going to enjoy their inheritance as you are spending it! Blooming SKIers..yeh and proud of it:lol-053:

No1. Go somewhere where Easyjet, Ryanair etc don't fly
No 2. Go somewhere where your local airport doesn't connect

Of course you must make sure there's enough seat belts

Tell them they can sleep under the awning

Or go somewhere really expensive and tell them they've got to pay their own way.

Or simply tell them NO if that's what you want!!
Payload... or lack thereof once the big hairy dog plus associated kit is on board...:D
What a superb oppertunity, one I couldn't resist. Haveing been around the block a few times has left me with a wicked sense of humour.

So why dont you say you are both going to a nudist colony, and they would be very welcome.

In fact why not garnish it a little by saying that your wife is looking forward to seeing more of her partner.

If I were a fly on the wall I would love to see the look on her face.

If you have the inclination to go through with it, do tell how you got on?

What's the betting that she will have a pressing appointment at that very time. :angel:

Rgd's Graham.
It gets worse.

She has been round this evening and told us that she has booked the August Bank Holiday week off, when I wasn't planning on going anywhere, and wants to meet us in Cornwall, which is not my favourite drive due to the last bit from Exeter seeming to last for ever.
She has been round this evening and told us that she has booked the August Bank Holiday week off, when I wasn't planning on going anywhere, and wants to meet us in Cornwall, which is not my favourite drive due to the last bit from Exeter seeming to last for ever.

oh dear! Glad I don't have kids:baby:
She has been round this evening and told us that she has booked the August Bank Holiday week off, when I wasn't planning on going anywhere, and wants to meet us in Cornwall, which is not my favourite drive due to the last bit from Exeter seeming to last for ever."
sounds like she"s got you wound round her little finger but then don"t most daughters with their dads?
sounds like she"s got you wound round her little finger but then don"t most daughters with their dads?

How right you are Yorkslass. My daughter manages to get anything from me, even when I say NO. How she does it, don't ask me.☺☺☺
We have 6 kids between us, (husbands first wife left him and the 4 kids, I was divorced with 2 kids). Now 23 years later we are onto the grandchildren, 8 of them so far. When we got our motorhome, we deliberately bought a 2 berth so couldnt take grandkids. We would never have had time to ourselves. Love them all, but it is bliss to have time to ourselves.
sounds like she"s got you wound round her little finger but then don"t most daughters with their dads?

Yup - and they pass it on to their daughters too. My two and a half year old grand-daughter just has to look at me with those big blue eyes and I melt. She and her brother frequently come with us in the motorhome too but the secret is to live the life we do - an intensive period in the summer when we are in the UK and therefore "available" and then spend most of the year chasing around Europe and sending back misleading postcards from places you haven't visited :lol-053:

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