can i just start a boring thread?


Full Member
my fridge doe'snt work googled til it comes out of my ears, tried everything, think ive solved the prob only got a small van so guess it dont really matter... but am i just a girlie that needs a diagram???..many things i can find regarding my probs and the van but not technically minded so when it comes to elec diagrams kinda stuffed..even bought myself an ammeter to look clever but dont know how to use it..duh!!! live and learn..?
Before anyone else asks you, what is the make and model of the fridge and what is the problem with it?

I'm not that familiar with a lot of fridges myself, but I'm sure someone here will be.

If you're not sure of circuits and components, maybe you could add a photo of the gubbins (technical term) on here, and someone could tell you which is which, and what to test?

And I don't think this is a boring thread at all!! (it's very "cool" in fact!) :):)
Hi I have an old Bedford bambi with its original fridge...ive googled til it comes out of my ears...i did installl a new smartcom relay that put my van off the road for two weeks coz my auto elec guy didnt find the fault of the old wire going to the alternator (which cost me a new alternator)i think i didnt need..butI have googled everything i can to sort it and i come to the conclusion im a novice but need somebody with knowledge just to confirm my diagnosis...Still have no
Is it gas/240v/12v? Does it work partially on one of them, did it work before? Which make/model?

You may want to change the title or post a new thread as if there is someone who knows about fridges, they may not bother to read the thread, as the title doesn't relate to the subject. Then again you may get lucky... just saying, and trying to help you get responses though :)
Thanks firefox..understand where your coming form but to be honest it wasnt meant to be a thread about my fridge "per se" ive kinda given up on that one... well at least till I come to the July meet and you knowledgeable people might be able to help me?? if i havent sorted it..x
Well I'd be happy to have a look at it at the July meet for you :) I'm no great expert on fridges and there maybe someone else better, but if not, I'll have a go!

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