can anyone help me


Im looking for a way to selfbuild [as we have selfbuilt the rest of my van so why stop there, and quite honestly can't afford to buy anyway ].

i am looking for advise, plans, pictures from anyone who has thought about or completed a selfbuilt rear ladder rack for their van , in any shape or form utalising a household ladder per say or otherwise, if you fall into this catagory please do get in touch.
Yours for now

I am already a member of Sbmcc along with this forum and many others i was only enquiring due to not having any replies to previously posted ideas similar to the ones on here elsewhere.
So pressumably then i am the only one who is "skint" and therefore has to find ways of so called making doing and mending as all the actual parts are so damn expensive to purchase, ah well it was just a chance that someone might of made one was all, same as before if anyone has please do let me know how.
For noe

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