Campsite WIFI Scamming


Full Member
A word of warning. When you log into campsite WIFI be very careful any login page that pops up actually belongs to the campsite. I recently logged into WIFI at Camping Officiel Clervaux in Luxembourg. After putting in the password an additional login page appeared in the browser with a login was trying to scam Apple ID details from the unwitting. The actual page address behind the ‘Apple services’ headline address was something with a very dodgy sounding origin.

I should also mention that I also then received an email purportedly from Apple warning me there had been a suspicious attempt to log into my Apple account and that my ID had been suspended. It came with an attachment inviting me to login and reset my account details. Having already been made suspicious the unwary could almost have expected this and be suckered into doing so. However close inspection revealed a dodgy looking middle eastern sounding origin. I don’t know if the two were connected but it’s a bit of a coincidence.
In view of recent world events I guess we can expect more of this sort of malarkey.

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