If anyone is in Northern Portugal it is worth visiting Cabeco de Vide, near Monteford N39 08.02 W07 34.51
Sometime past the locals have custom built a free Aire. We visited last year and it still has free electricity and a shower/toilet block of sorts.
The town itself is very pretty and at sometime past had an outdoor swimming pool which seems in disrepair.
There are a couple of excellent bars (very cheap) and restaurants about 200 yards from the Aire.
If you do go there be careful as there are quite a few low trees.
The only reason I am posting this is I find it very sad when something that at one time was a superb feature falls into disrepair due to lack of use.
Picture above is at night in the Aire near the shower block, below is me in front of the swimming pool and her in near one of the restaurants.