Bruges Parking / Camping Spot


Hello all, I hope that you are all well.

I have just heard some rather disturbing news that one of my favourite wild spot (well its a legitimate aire de cc) is to close. Its the one next to the bus garage in Bruges (Brugge).

Can anyone confirm this as I got the news second hand?

It has always been a favourite as it is in such a great location. Apparently there is news of a replacement but I am a bit upset about the loss of such an old friend.

If you can help with any information let me know...


Hi Dan,I think it is true I have read reports of this all this year,evidently it will be moved to the waterside above the Bus Station,its a shame and one site we really enjoy going to,hope the new site is as good,regards,Gerry.
Thanks for the reply.

I was going through Belgium last week and popped in to see if it was still in use and appears to be as busy as ever. I didn't see any signs of change as yet but I am sure they will be on the way!

Thanks Again


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