Book singles, it is nearly always cheaper and you can leave booking the return single until you are ready to come back ( we usually do it when we are within 50 miles of the port) then do it online and you get a ref number.
the 30% is only for the member on the spanish club the french club and any guests only get 10%, don’t forget a pensioner gets 20% of newhaven dieppe but only on a phone booking
Beware not booking a return or your travel / vehicle insurance may be invalid if it is for a fixed period one trip. Apparantly unless you have proof of returning within the specified period then the insurance company can contest a claim. I always book a return but may change the date if necessary as long as it is still within the original terms. We have 42 days at one time on our policies but a lower figure is quite common.
Hi,this is a concern for us. We never book a ferry until we are clear about when we want to return home and are inevitably somewhere abroad at the time. Are there actual examples of insurance companies contesting a claim? I have never heard of this.
If your a member of the French Club you get 30%the 30% is only for the member on the spanish club the french club and any guests only get 10%,
If your a member of the French Club you get 30%