Bright Light in the Sky


This morning about 0915 Hrs an incredibly bright light was seen in the sky.

Initially it was dull, hidden behind cloud, but got stronger and stronger.

Using sunglasses was no use so I looked it up on the internet.

It transpires it's called "The Sun", according to Wikipedia it used to be a common phenomenon, but in recent times has only been seen occasionally.

Have you seen "The Sun" and I don't mean the Red Top

A while back we had reports of snow started by WVW I believe, let us all know where to go to see this brilliant light!! PS there's hardly a cloud in the sky in Old Colwyn,North Wales
I wouldn't believe anything you read in Wikipedia as any ol' Tom, Dick or Harry can put content on there :idea-007: :hammer::yeahthat:. If I were you I would go out tommorow and see if it's still there, if not then it was most probable a mirage:cry:. However if it's still there I would go to the nearest religious building :bow::ninja: and seek refuge as its most probably the sky falling down. :scared: :lol-049::lol-049::lol-049:
We have one of those in Cornwall today - perhaps it's getting worried about the new piece of space technology that is about to go and inspect it............
We've got one in Derbyshire today - it briefly appears for a couple of minutes each hour and then hides before anyone can identify it properly. It may help our Welsh members to know that it is slowly moving towards them - so they can now take appropriate evasive action. :goodluck:
We've got one in Derbyshire today - it briefly appears for a couple of minutes each hour and then hides before anyone can identify it properly. It may help our Welsh members to know that it is slowly moving towards them - so they can now take appropriate evasive action. :goodluck:

Thank's for the tip off John I'll get the sunglasses out.
had one all morning and a slight breeze,got the lawn mower in it's starting blocks ready got to cut it today :bow:
Did it look anything like this?


If so, even sunspecs are not good enough to use to look at it. Only proper solar filters should be used!
I am not alone!!

Others have seen this vision, I wager that Somelier didn't get that image today!!

But be careful, it has a powerful force that targets tourists by the sea in particular and turns them red, just like a tomato.

They are usually quite unashamed about having seen the force and being marked in such a way.

Maybe it's a "locals" God and differentiates between "Locals" and "Tourists" thus helping local shopkeepers know who is who.

The chosen ones go home and proclaim "I've seen the sun god and have proof that it exists"

Like all myths, the story fades with time, but they can tell their grandchildren "when I was young, the sun shone all through the summer" funny how the memory plays tricks after exposure to the sun, or maybe it's more than that and you've been absorbing the forgetful rays all the time. Takes longer to take effect unlike the beer rays which are quick acting, but get a double dose..........................
Bright light in the Sky

Gower hath plenty of this strange phenomenon and it hath even raised the thermometer reading .Long may it continue.:cool1:
bit of good ganja your smoking today pete is it medicinal ??
I am not alone!!

Others have seen this vision, I wager that Somelier didn't get that image today!!

Remarkably, I did see this strange object for a while today. People were falling about and crying in fear at such a horrifying sight. It was not there long enough to get out the items of devotion and make images, though.
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Remarkably, I did this strange object for a while today. People were falling about and crying in fear at such a horrifying sight. It was not there long enough to get out the items of devotion and make images, though.

The Incas had it right - any religion that involves sun-worship and virgin sacrifice can't be all bad :dance:
we had this strange thing in the sky over Stoke today too. So bright I had to cover my eyes with dark glasses and the warmth coming off it had me taking my coat off!!! :confused:
I basked in its lovely warming light this afternoon and then it was gone. Maybe I should have taken heed of the old woman washing her pots this morning when she said "Don't mention it too loudly or you'll frighten it away"
I checked it out with my binoculars....................can't see a bloody thing now so I think it has gone.

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