Breakdown Cover Renewal: attempted rip off


Full Member
I've been with Green Flag breakdown for several years on their highest level of cover "Recovery Plus", for my car.

Renewal came yesterday notifying an increase in premium from £51.52 to £70.56!! Getting on for a whopping 40% increase. How do they justify that? No change of car etc and I didn't even call them out last year.

I phoned them (with a month to go before my renewal date) and said before I start shopping around I'd like to know their best price for the coming year. I explained, calmly, that I thought the increase unreasonable. The agent asks me to confirm that no details have changed and then says without any fanfare that he can offer me same price as last year and do I want to go ahead? I was so unprepared for that. So after a stunned pause, I said yes.

At the end of the call he asks if I have any further questions. I try to discover if reverting to the previous year's price when challenged was their current policy for all customers, but he kept parroting "It's just what we can do on the day". I managed to establish it wasn't within his personal discretion to offer this deal and that it was a computer algorithm that gave the revised price.

This is a shocking business practice .... hoping that busy people will just swallow a crazy price increase. I know it's a common practice and I routinely push back on these kinds of increases. I've often shaved a bit off a proposed uplift but I've never before been stepped back to the previous year's price.

I'm pleased to have achieved a level premium from last year, but have a bad taste in my mouth at being covered by such a bunch of rip-off merchants. But they are probably no worse than the rest?
We're with Britannia Rescue who are backed by LV, used them a few times over the years, always good, prices don't move much.
I’m with green flag too via the C&MC but as I cancelled my C&MC they couldn’t offer short term European breakdown unless I went via C&MC which I obviously cann’t do, so, I. Just phoned again saying I’m with RAC but just want European cover and they offered me 2 Months cover for £80, I didn’t take it as the RAC were actually cheaper and offered a better policy, I’ll phone around in January when it’s up, thanks .
Our Green Flag renewal recently was at the same price .... which surprised me. Although I don't think I got a good deal in the first place as we pay £61 and it is not the best cover they offer. :(
I've been with Green Flag breakdown for several years on their highest level of cover "Recovery Plus", for my car.

Renewal came yesterday notifying an increase in premium from £51.52 to £70.56!! Getting on for a whopping 40% increase. How do they justify that? No change of car etc and I didn't even call them out last year.

I phoned them (with a month to go before my renewal date) and said before I start shopping around I'd like to know their best price for the coming year. I explained, calmly, that I thought the increase unreasonable. The agent asks me to confirm that no details have changed and then says without any fanfare that he can offer me same price as last year and do I want to go ahead? I was so unprepared for that. So after a stunned pause, I said yes.

At the end of the call he asks if I have any further questions. I try to discover if reverting to the previous year's price when challenged was their current policy for all customers, but he kept parroting "It's just what we can do on the day". I managed to establish it wasn't within his personal discretion to offer this deal and that it was a computer algorithm that gave the revised price.

This is a shocking business practice .... hoping that busy people will just swallow a crazy price increase. I know it's a common practice and I routinely push back on these kinds of increases. I've often shaved a bit off a proposed uplift but I've never before been stepped back to the previous year's price.

I'm pleased to have achieved a level premium from last year, but have a bad taste in my mouth at being covered by such a bunch of rip-off merchants. But they are probably no worse than the rest?
I was offered a partial reduction in June to renew, but the new price was still about 20% higher. So, I cancelled the policy from the Renewal Date, and then took out a new Green Flag Policy on the Anniversary at a lower price than the compromise quote I was given. I have never knowingly started a game of silly buggers, but I have never knowingly refused an invitation, express or implied, to join in an existing game ...

Our Green Flag renewal recently was at the same price .... which surprised me. Although I don't think I got a good deal in the first place as we pay £61 and it is not the best cover they offer. :(
It may be a decent price you have. Mine was for my car. Maybe m/homes or vans more expensive?
I updated my Green Flag Euro Plus cover on August 11th (changed the car to a 4yo Yaris 1.5 from an older Avensis estate, and added the moho, an 18 month old Weinsberg/Ducato 2.2).
It runs to 7/5/25, so about nine months cover.
It cost £41.44 after a rebate (10 or 15 quid I think).
No complaints.

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