BP255 Solar Panel


Could anyone please help. At the moment the BP255 just charges my leisure battery in habitation area. I want to make it, so it can charge my Starter Battery as well. I do not have a clue how to do it, or were to buy the parts needed. If anyone could please explain, or show drawing, that would be great. Thats if its possible to do. I have been looking at these trickle Solar chargers, that just plug into your Cigarette Lighter, but do not know if there any good, and as I already have this Solar Panel sitting on the roof, would it be better to use this.

Kind Regards Kate
This doesnt answer your question, But I have a 130 Watt Panel on the roof for the leisure Battery (2x110) and a small Dash Panel for the starter battery.

I also have a switch that allows me to switch all batteries together (normaly would only use when driving) to enable all batteries to be charged by the engin charging system.

Solar chargers

Could anyone please help. At the moment the BP255 just charges my leisure battery in habitation area. I want to make it, so it can charge my Starter Battery as well. I do not have a clue how to do it, or were to buy the parts needed. If anyone could please explain, or show drawing, that would be great. Thats if its possible to do. I have been looking at these trickle Solar chargers, that just plug into your Cigarette Lighter, but do not know if there any good, and as I already have this Solar Panel sitting on the roof, would it be better to use this.

Kind Regards Kate
Hi Don
Thank you for your reply. What sort, is the Solar Charger, that you plug into your Cigarette Lighter? Yes our Hymer charges all when running, on hook up just Leisure.

Thank You

Hi Kate
I have one of these that sit on the dashboard. I have it connected to the vehicle battery.
Now if it works is another matter.
It does flash a green light and it looks ok.
But does it work I have no idea as nothing is telling me it is.
If the starter and house batteries are both essentially the same type - ie one is not a gel type
- AND provided that if the starter battery is an AGM and the house is a flooded cell type (an unlikely combination), then the solar regulator is not set to provide a periodic equalising cycle

- AND if you are just looking to keep the starter battery charged when the vehicle is sitting for long periods

THEN it should be satisfactory (but not necessarily convenient) to just connect both positive terminals of the batteries together. The lead you use should have a fuse at each end of the lead - say 30 amps - and the jumper should have a cross-sectional area large enough to carry the 30 amps without overheating.

This will not work if one battery is fully charged and the other well down when you connect them and you also need to be careful not to ground one end when the other end is still connected to the battery.

If you want to do the job properly, there are battery isolating units that work both ways - ie wait until the engine battery is charged before connecting the house battery to the alternator OR wait until the house battery is charged before connecting the engine battery to the alternator.

If you already have a one-way unit installed to charge the house battery from the engine alternator when on the road, then you could (depending on the unit and exactly how it was connected) add some simple switching to reverse the connections when you put the vehicle in storage.

There are also solar regulators that do a similar job by charging two banks of batteries while keeping them isolated from each other but they are quite expensive.
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