Bomber Command Memorial

I've just watched the tribute to Bomber command on BBC2 and found it very touching.

As for the memorial to them that was unveiled by the Queen, the only word I can use is "magnificent"!! It's very sad that the vast majority of the airmen involved in WW2 never got to see it, but at least it's there at last!
Totally agreed that these men were the bravest of the brave and if our country were to be threatened again I'd be first in the queue to defend it.........However.....*dons tin helmet*......I wonder how approving people would be it there were to be a memorial to those of the Luftwaffe or the Japanese Kamikazi pilots who killed and maimed thousands of British servicemen and civilians. By definition these men were equally as brave even though their leaders were lunatic despots and I find it distasteful that, though indirectly, events such as the firebombing of Dresden in which thousands of men women and children were killed, should be celebrated.......Just trying to put a balanced view.
I find it distasteful that, though indirectly, events such as the firebombing of Dresden in which thousands of men women and children were killed, should be celebrated.......Just trying to put a balanced view.

I don't think anyone is 'celebrating' anything. Just remembering. Maybe the memories will keep such things from happening again....... but I doubt it, somehow.

Totally agreed that these men were the bravest of the brave and if our country were to be threatened again I'd be first in the queue to defend it.........However.....*dons tin helmet*......I wonder how approving people would be it there were to be a memorial to those of the Luftwaffe or the Japanese Kamikazi pilots who killed and maimed thousands of British servicemen and civilians. By definition these men were equally as brave even though their leaders were lunatic despots and I find it distasteful that, though indirectly, events such as the firebombing of Dresden in which thousands of men women and children were killed, should be celebrated.......Just trying to put a balanced view.

I'm sure that nobody would doubt the bravery and sacrifices made by those on both sides of the conflict (although I'm also sure that none of the actions of British Forces would compare to the sheer cruelty, inhumanity and atrocities of some of our past enemies during WW2, often at many levels of command).

I also believe that if we could have magically engineered a successful outcome that avoided any loss of life on either side, then we would have done so.

As Canalwheeler says, we are not "celebrating" any loss of life but are remembering, respecting and paying tribute to the bravery and sacrifices made by people to whom we owe a huge debt of gratitude, and whos' actions were responsible for the lives that too many of us take for granted today.

Apologies to any of our members from various Nations for any seemingly unpleasant issues mentioned on this thread. Whilst the events shouldn't be forgotten, they belong to the past and we have all moved on a great deal since those times.
I wholeheartedly agree, that a memorial for bomber command is long over due.

I am of the opinion lots of people during the war were never recognized for the efforts which gives us our freedom today.

My uncle was a many of you need to Google to find out who they were and what they achieved?


My father was sent to scotland for arctic warfare training then shipped out to India so knew of the chindits during his time, another forgotton band.
just a point the Luftwaffe was well respected amongst britsh airmen and bomber crews as they had there own interment camps
for downed fellow airmen,and treated them with the same respect as the brits did there crews.

there was a program about a britsh bomber crew that were captured and sent to aushwitz,and were handed over to the Luftwaffe,
just days before they were to be killed.only because the Luftwaffe found where they were.
Totally agreed that these men were the bravest of the brave and if our country were to be threatened again I'd be first in the queue to defend it.........However.....*dons tin helmet*......I wonder how approving people would be it there were to be a memorial to those of the Luftwaffe or the Japanese Kamikazi pilots who killed and maimed thousands of British servicemen and civilians. By definition these men were equally as brave even though their leaders were lunatic despots and I find it distasteful that, though indirectly, events such as the firebombing of Dresden in which thousands of men women and children were killed, should be celebrated.......Just trying to put a balanced view.

Yes, Dresden was appalling with 25 000 casualties in 7 raids, however London suffered twice that in 8 months of bombing. The memorial isn't about that - its about ordinary men who saw the elephant but kept going back night after night.
everyones allowed there comments,at the end of BOB the germans flew 3000 planes over russia if they had flew them at the end of BOB over the uk
this would now be a vostsprundork forum.

these men and women put there lifes on the line to save our way of life that we all respect now and have respected them since we learned of the bravery and courage
lets face the french started it,the germans took advantage and we fell into the trap.

bomber command was made up of flight crews and ground staff,and many a female was killed whilst in bunkers directing raids,and waiting for crew to return.
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For anyone who's interested, the "Bomber Command" programme is repeated on ITV at 10.35pm tonight (Thursday).

Or you can watch it on ITV Player here.... Video - ITV Player

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