Bloody winter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Bloody short winter days,,,,,,its no wonder so many people commit sewerage pipe this time of year im finding this winter a DRAG BIG TIME roll on the spring hey guys,, i hate wintertime the older i become the more i hate winter:mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2: give me the long hot summer days:banana: Blinking winter Blues:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

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You want to come here then bloody sun no rain have to water the veg very day lets have some rain please :lol-049::lol-049::lol-049:
Thats it Ken you push me over the edge Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:cry::cry::cry: lol i wish i was in spain mate i could do with some lovely sun on my bones:dance::dance:

You want to come here then bloody sun no rain have to water the veg very day lets have some rain please :lol-049::lol-049::lol-049:
OK the truth Its nice and sunny but i live up in the mountains inland from Alicante and the first thing in the morning its cold until about 9 30 o'clock today at 11am 19.5 deg not bad as this week is our Christmas and Thursday night is party night with a big parade in the town so because its cold at night we have to drink hot Spanish rum I hate it after about 6 or 7 glasses :king::king:
When I was younger, hundreds of years ago says my grandson. I used to laugh about people who said they had SAD.
Now I know how they were feeling. Sorry I laughed.
I hate the cold it gets in my joints and I ache contualy. I love sunshine. And girls in shorts etc of coarse:lol-049:
may be we could be a little unit on our lonesome the sad buggers sat in the corner with our daylights on making our face glow a spooky blue colour frightening all those that want us to move on with you cant park here {please excuse the explitive} am suffering particulary bad this year depression a buger if it dont kill you you want to no matter what any one say it does afeect people a lot ok wil get through it and am going to beat it if ican catch it but the bugger keeps getting away from me and i say sod it icant be bothered bit like my scribble on here dont bother with punc ort full stops just start typing and get it done whilst igoing if istop and think then the post wil probaly not get done as icant be bothered just wish i could sleep more thought i had it crackked but that only lasted a few day but hey ho never mind i still breathing and there are ppeeps worse than me so ikeep telling myself only way to get through it well that enough drivel for you to comment on and without a single full stop and inot going to edit it either
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dearoldishhippie youcudalwaysmeetupwiarussiangalandnotknowwoteitherofyouareonabout.
well i blame the drugs I o k when on sensible meds but when they dont work i bump them up. I do have lucid days and some brillaint dreams . Will try most things to get me through and find sometimes just putting down on paper helps can go back and read it and think well that wasnt a good day.Hopefully someone might get some inspiration from it or just laugh ,if they laugh then I done something to brighten someones day am I worried yes Ido worry myself somedays.BUT HEY HO tommorows another day and we will cross that bridge when we get to it tommorow.

Hi Hippy. We too suffer the sad thingy. But once it gets past the winter solstice and the days are getting longer, we just keep reminding each other that we have turned the corner of the year. It also helps to go through the vegetable seed catalogue and get them ordered. Keep your chin up mate, you are NOT alone... Mitch and Jenny
well i havent had a winter in uk for years . but this year i,m here in lovely cornwall. havent even worn a thick winter coat yet. been out today in t,shirt and sweatshirt . been showing some friends from germany the china clay works around here .been a nice bright day .sunny abit. we all thought it was just like a cooler day in spain. think good weather is coming . shame about the rain . too much of that but it was a grand day today.
took them to nice hill by my village where you can see the sea by newquay to the north .the sea to st austell to the south . then look across and see right up to devon . makes you feel good to be alive . perfect.
well i blame the drugs I o k when on sensible meds but when they dont work i bump them up. I do have lucid days and some brillaint dreams . Will try most things to get me through and find sometimes just putting down on paper helps can go back and read it and think well that wasnt a good day.Hopefully someone might get some inspiration from it or just laugh ,if they laugh then I done something to brighten someones day am I worried yes Ido worry myself somedays.BUT HEY HO tommorows another day and we will cross that bridge when we get to it tommorow.
If it's any help the days are already about 20 mins longer than they were on the solstice....not long to wait now..

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