Bloody French Fishermen!


Was off to Holland tomorrow morning but the blockade is to resume in the morning, so we've paid out another £97 to sail Ramsgate to Ostend... I just hope it's lifted for our return!!

'See' you all in a couple of weeks!
oh noooooooooooooo!

Anyway, bon voyage none the less. I hope you have a lovely time regardless of the slightly stressful (and somewhat costly!) start!
Was off to Holland tomorrow morning but the blockade is to resume in the morning, so we've paid out another £97 to sail Ramsgate to Ostend... I just hope it's lifted for our return!!

'See' you all in a couple of weeks!
Im sorry youve had to pay extra for your hols, and I hate to see people inconvenienced, BUT Good luck to french fishermen! If our Fishing fleet had been just as unreasonable and caused mayhem to the outside world it would not be decimated to the extent it is today. NEVER BE REASONABLE WITH THE UNREASONABLE. Of with their heads.
PO ferry

I see that PO are sending a trial ferry to Ostende they are getting fed up with France problems.
That will make Belgian happy

Years ago I used to cross from Ramsgate to Ostend and Zeebrugge,as well as Sheerness to Vlisingen.
Perhaps with the regularity of the blockages, truckers as well, now may be the time to open up these services. I don't want to go to France!
I think also maybe P&O have been hoisted by their own petard;they have been accused of dirty tricks and opening spoiler routes in order to maintain their Channel dominance-it's backfired!
The Chunnel is also under threat for a blockade,at least it will stop th illegals getting in!
Im sorry youve had to pay extra for your hols, and I hate to see people inconvenienced, BUT Good luck to french fishermen! If our Fishing fleet had been just as unreasonable and caused mayhem to the outside world it would not be decimated to the extent it is today. NEVER BE REASONABLE WITH THE UNREASONABLE. Of with their heads.

Three cheers for somebody who is not affraid to speak out, the UK goverment are walking all over our fishermen and will not be content untill
it is decimated, we are to soft and that is the reason we are walked all over by our surpossed leaders we should stand up for what is ours and not just give it away.
Ferries & Fuel prices

Thanks all, well after the stressfull start we had a great time, after one email and one slightly snotty letter Alan Rogers Travel obtained a refund of £56 from Seafrance for the unused outward journey, so when you allow for the shorter drive it wasn't bad!

The Trans Europa Ferry was a bit basic, it didn't even have a duty free shop but at least we beat the French! (I do secretly admire their attitude, which seems to be take no sh*t... and just in case we have to tow the line we'll cause chaos just to be on the safe side!).

Diesel prices for those who are interested:- France £1.02/ltr, Belgium 89p/ltr, Holland £1.05 on major roads and 94p in towns!
at least we beat the French! (I do secretly admire their attitude, which seems to be take no sh*t... and just in case we have to tow the line we'll cause chaos just to be on the safe side!).


Didnt work with Nelson though did it ? And setting fire to British sheep ticks the box in the chaos category doesn't it ?

Sarcasm aside, I understand your point having lived there for 9 months.

The French are very similar to the British in one respect, that is they seem fiercely proud of their national identity.

I found that EEC or whoever may have a way/suggestion but in France there is the French way!!..totally entrenched in their psych.

Forget any politics for a moment it dilutes even down to the way they enjoy food. Whilst we insist on boiling vegetables to death ????...the French saute in a little oil with garlic, create sauces to accompany the fayre.(tasty too I might add )

But they dont have the fishing fleets of Grimsby and Hull, or even understand the merits of le Merue (cod to you and me ) nope far more interested in l'anguille and the Dorade ...(former is eels !!)...Now that cant be healthy !!!

Actually we dont have the fishing fleet in Grimsby or Hull anymore!!.

We have capitulated to the demands and PC of Europe.

The French on the otherhand as you state, react pretty sharpish to anything that threatens their culture.

Perhaps I am mistaken ? ...I started this post The French are similar to the British fiercely proud of their identity...

It seems there is a difference, Whilst the poodle yaps, the bulldog has lost its teeth !!

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i agree its a pain what the french do, but all they are doing is standing up
about the eec fishing policie as ex deepsea trawler man if we had done the same in the eighties/nineties our industry might of survied
regards alastair

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