Me and otherhalf fancyd trying Blackpool so we setoff lastnight after work. After doing bit of reserch I desired we would head for the carpark at the back of the swimingpool at st annes as its be recomended on forum, this as ot happens a mistake. Gets there 1130pm to find cinema just flossing so not many cars in carpark, we were the only van and by 1200 was the only vehicle so we setoff to bed. This is where the fun starts, 130 awoken by moped noises, yes the anoying buzz of a underpowerd teen showingoff, surenough soon followed by a further typical teen on another anoying ped. Ok, we thought given a chance to break their bones doing stupid stunts but were soon followed by a couple of cars that chose to try hand take turns, getting nearer and nearer. Soon there was a group on foot turnup so the noise grew. I thought they would soon go but when one of the cars parked next to us that's when I started getting anoyed. Car spedoff to the crowd so I gotup to see wot was happening, group of 3 were heading ourway so I started engine and put on lights,they then ranoff,closely follows by the cars and bikes. After this we chose to find a better place, on our wayout we saw the idiots in the gateway, they then spedoff. We headed for Blackpool and setup at cleavleys where the fishermen do night fishing. Wot worys me is wot were the three heading ourway going to do, I won't going again. We are now setup at Knott end,weather great and pub nearby.