Bilbao/ Santander ferry in October


Full Member
I always book eurotunnel well in advance for our autumn travel to Europe in our VW. This year I'm thinking of the ferry to Spain. I would really appreciate people's experience in availability on late booking to give us more flexibility for the return journey. So have people been able to book a return ferry a couple of days before travelling? (Irealize the cabins will have been booked). Thankyou
I always book eurotunnel well in advance for our autumn travel to Europe in our VW. This year I'm thinking of the ferry to Spain. I would really appreciate people's experience in availability on late booking to give us more flexibility for the return journey. So have people been able to book a return ferry a couple of days before travelling? (Irealize the cabins will have been booked). Thankyou
We booked Santander to Portsmouth in late February 2024 [when the French Farmers were blocking roads -again] at less than 7 days notice . Expensive, so we joined the BF Club for the next trip 4 weeks later [Portsmouth-Bilbao] and got a good deal on a Commodore Cabin and 2 tickets for the All day dining [£85 each]. HOWEVER, on the Bilbao-Portsmouth return leg in late April 2024, the Dining had been cut back to the bone in terms of both quality and amount, and, as a fellow passenger said, '£170 is bloody expensive for 4 greasy spoon cafe breakfasts between the pair of us'. Lunch is now just a second breakfast, and the quality is dire

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similar to steve for our return during putin kicking off in the ukraine fuel prices went through the roof so on spec i looked at the long ferry no trouble booking it including pet friendly cabin , from bilbao to dover is about 3 tanks of fuel so that made it seem guide reasonable