been a busy day with scotsy


got up early, had breakfast (mine inc a few cigs..........)

went off to get some piano hinges, some wood for the seat/bed frame and er that thin plywood type wood, screws etc. anyway my bank card didnt work....felt like a right lemon, anyway i forgot it was the 30th and i had a dd come out, as i got my DLA mobility today but the dd took me too low. oooops i went to a cash machine later and gave it him back as he popped it on his card, just owe him a couple of quid to cover those items (me and money dont mix...)

anways we cracked on, we made the frame, made the Z frame with the hinges for the bed, sides etc, looks good and sturdy enough, plus its free standing so can be moved in and out if need be.

made a nice front panel for the cuboards, so that looks much better, yesterday we got a lot done, even when the heavens opened..... we rigged up a few things, made a cuboard for the electics etc which is the same height as the bed, so takes the weight at that side. we have made some shelving at the very rear and strenthend the frame, but little bits i can do when im back at home, and Jenny has offered help when she can at weekends, no i have seen how scotsy has done things........ we cant go far wrong lol

cut out a metal panel and made it nice and smooth, so better access front to rear etc got the cooker rigged up.

few little bits to complete in the morning, then thats the heavy/awkward stuff done, so can set off back to good old yorkshire, scotsy has been a good host, not a bad cook, has a lovely dog with gets on well with ugly arthur and wittmann.

knocked off for the day now, its food time and i think we are both shattered and need a rest.

Cant have done what we have without him, plus just showing me how things are done, means in the spring, when i make a nice new better taller kitchen area, with all the units hes giving me from a old caravan, i will know to make the whole frame around the draws etc etc, not like i did where i made a frame and nowt fitted lol

tea time, hes just brought me in bangers, chiops, mushy peas and thick gravy :) hes a top old guy!
Well done Scotsy :) :) :)

This is exactly what's good about this site - people helping each other out, no backbiting, just getting on with enjoying the better parts of life ...

It's been heartening to read.

Thank you.
bangers, chiops, mushy peas and thick gravy :) hes a top old guy!

MMMMMMMMMMMM back in the Uk in a week cant wait

bangers/ pie chips gravy and mushy peas ...I cant wait alittle taste of home ....

Home made meat and potatoe pie with gravy and peas OMG

Today consisted of the Campsite flying the Union Flag upside down all season and yes I respectfully pointed it out an behold all is good now

Bon appetit

Good on you SCOTSY
you have my thanks for helping C J
good on you well done .:king:
There's an old Lancashire saying "tha can't polish a turd" and it still holds true!!! :hammer: but seeing as Jules can live with sub-par finishes and 'make-do' measures he seems happy with what we've managed to achieve in a couple of days but he carries that much sh1te around in that VW that every little job requires a 'clearout' before you can see whats needed. I've told him to have a f@cking good clear out and DUMP all the sh1te that he's accumalated!!!

It makes my sprinter look like a palace:heart:

There's an old Lancashire saying "tha can't polish a turd" and it still holds true!!! :hammer: but seeing as Jules can live with sub-par finishes and 'make-do' measures he seems happy with what we've managed to achieve in a couple of days but he carries that much sh1te around in that VW that every little job requires a 'clearout' before you can see whats needed. I've told him to have a f@cking good clear out and DUMP all the sh1te that he's accumalated!!!

It makes my sprinter look like a palace:heart:


im a yorkshireman, im so tight i dont like even throwing the rubbish away :) im lookng forward to getting help with kaye and adding those little personal touches. colours etc. the finishes i can do when im back home, as i felt guitly seeing you bent over all the time and doing all the screwing. that looked really painful so its only fair i do what i can when im back home. i really app. all the hard work you have done, no way i could have done it, im aching nad hurting like hell just doing the little bits i did.
a gas meter reader was reported missing in sheffield?? they found him 3wks later in cj's house
No they found straight away but it took three weeks to dig him out:lol-053:
a gas meter reader was reported missing in sheffield?? they found him 3wks later in cj's house

says the person from Doncaster nil :)

just loading up the van, i was a little late waking up, as i took a load of painkilers last night and the knocked me out, i woke to find scotsy making 2 little tables, that at night become the supports for under the bed. cant keep the man down!

must admit, all these rumurs i have heard about people from lancashire................ tight arsed, selfsish, misrable and grumpy isnt all true, not tight arsed and selfish at all ;-) heehee

be setting off back to yorkshire in a hour, ah the smell of yorkshire, whippets and pints of bitter.
i will put some fotos up of the work we (er...scotsy) has done at the weekend, when kaye helps me sort the van out. so you can see the reet good job. theres a first, yorkshire and lancashire have come together without throwing insults or a punch :)
There's an old Lancashire saying "tha can't polish a turd" and it still holds true!!! :hammer: but seeing as Jules can live with sub-par finishes and 'make-do' measures he seems happy with what we've managed to achieve in a couple of days but he carries that much sh1te around in that VW that every little job requires a 'clearout' before you can see whats needed. I've told him to have a f@cking good clear out and DUMP all the sh1te that he's accumalated!!!

Lol....I hope you stay here CJ....the stories amuse me ever time I log in....nearly always have a chuckle! :)
Alas im back in good old yorkshire, where a field full of sheep is food and clothing, not a singles club :)

was a steady drive back, the smell of chips and kebab kept making me feel hungry lol

i threw a lot of junk out, so you can see the work done more easily, lot happier and in a couple of weeks can take Kaye and the dogs away for a weekend, and gives us a little time to do a couple of small jobs and enjoy the Ribblehead meet.

Again big thanks to Scotsy for the help, ones the wood items have been varnished and painted will look good, and a picture of a nice white rose :)

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