Beautiful wildcamps in Wales

Mr Tibbs

Full Member
Hi all, looking to go for 5 nights around north or south Wales. Are there any really good wild camp spots that "money just can't buy" ?
@Mr Tibbs
Yes, lots, just get google maps out and explore. Plenty of easily accessible forest tracks etc.
As a fall back you can obviously follow the sheep and rely on the apps but always have a plan B & C, many spots were listed years ago and some either have restrictions or are ruined by overcrowding and resultant litter, or are just to grim to be used for anything other than when absolutely desperate

Some campsites especially the pop up types are good value, although 90% of the time we wild everywhere I use them occasionally especially if we need a water fill up.

Nant Y Croi Campsite for example is a cracker, with easy access to the coastal path.

Many of the public car parks in Powys are free to use overnight