Basic Motorhoming


Hi all,

I'm new to the site and very new to motorhomes. My partner and I are about to purchase a Peugeot Expert van which is big enough to sleep in and to throw our mountain bikes and other outdoor gear into without having to squeeze it into a car boot.

We don't plan to convert the van, although we are going to put in insulation and a roof vent for ventilation. We like to keep things simple and so don't want the normal 'luxuries' that you would expect in a motorhome. The idea is that the van will provide an extra option from basic tent camping when the weather is particularly unkind. We have quite a bit of experience of backpack camping, but mostly in warmer climates and we wanted to make the most of all the British seasons.

Anyone have any experience of this very basic motorhome idea and any pearls of wisdom to share?

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