Bank Holidays To Be Scrapped??

Wot abaht the pensioners !!!!

Since I retired I stopped getting holidays.

Dezi :pc:

p.s. Kindly maintain a level of decorum with your replies.
I've never quite understood the idea of Bank Holidays. Herds of people standing on each other trying to get to beach or beauty spot only to queue and then fight their way home. It doesn't sound like much of a holiday to me. Wouldn't it make more sense to give the workers more holiday time.
What another great idea, i know, lets get children into the mix too, i mean, my little 4 yr old would make an excellent road repairer, she'd do a better job than the ones we have, and why not get rid of sick pay too, surley thats costing the country billions, and while we are at it, lets get rid of the Working Time Directive, overtime pay, etc.

One area they could look at and i'm being serious now is the fuel payment to the elderly living in sheltered housing. when i was in housing last year, i used to implement rent increases, fuel is a communal charge and worked out about £8 per month per room, fuel allowance was still given to the residents, could be up to £300, some of the residents were extremely wealthy, they could have their heating on 24/7, the purpose of the fuel payment, is to give to elderly people money towards the high fuel bills, i'm not saying they should'nt get it but it seems very unfair when you have, say an elderly person living in a house, £300 doesn't scratch the surface for some, but yet the ones in sheltered are pocketing the difference, pensioners have a miniumum income of £120 per week, if they lived in an Abbeyfield house where all the food is included in the rent, which used to work out at £3 per day, rent & council tax paid by benefits, the majority got Attendance Allowance of between £45/£55 pw, which is supposed to be for care, shopping etc but they never needed to spend on that as it was all provided, i know there are some pensioners that really struggle, my mum for one as she has a 3 bed house to run but some are really onto a good thing.
Think tank!

More like escaped nutters!

Another ploy to take off us again when we have one of the lowest amounts of bank hols.

Bank hols also make a lot of money for the robbing businesses who double the price of hotels, holidays & campsites so why the hell are they bleating.
Yes it's crazy on the roads and not everyone can have the time off but these holidays are important for most families to bond.

We can all find areas where the money leaks away from the UK such as bailing out Ireland or aid abroad. Let the bloody think tank look at that.
It wouldn't be a bad idea if a person still kept the days and could add them to a holiday.
So instead of for figure sake getting maybe 20 days holiday, you would get 28 days.
meaning you could go away for longer and the factories would not have the expense of shutting down for the odd day opening.
Anyway as a non worker, I want some holiday pay!:idea-007:

Thats what we in the public sector do ;)
Think tank!

More like escaped nutters!

Another ploy to take off us again when we have one of the lowest amounts of bank hols.

Bank hols also make a lot of money for the robbing businesses who double the price of hotels, holidays & campsites so why the hell are they bleating.
Yes it's crazy on the roads and not everyone can have the time off but these holidays are important for most families to bond.

We can all find areas where the money leaks away from the UK such as bailing out Ireland or aid abroad. Let the bloody think tank look at that.

What a thoroughly intemperate, inaccurate and unfair rant! Your attitude suggests to me that you have spent your working life as an employee who has never had to worry about balancing the books every year. You've probably never had to worry about taking a couple of weeks off when you're ill, as some employer will continue to pay your wages and of course, because of the politicians, so despised by many members of this forum, you've never had to worry about taking holidays because, by law, you get at least four week off and still get paid.

But first the report. The 'think tank' in question wasn't asked to examine the Irish debt problem, it was asked to look at Bank Holidays and the affect on the economy, so God know's why you throw that in.

The 'robbing businesses' such as camp sites and hotels haven't endorsed this and never will and the report actually said that a significant part of the economy benefits from Bank Holidays, particularly your 'robbing' camp sites and hotels. However, these account for a tiny percentage of British business as those most affected, such as construction, are three times bigger than the leisure industry.

Secondly, no one is talking about giving workers fewer holidays. If the odd Bank Holiday was ever scrapped you would get an extra day added to your normal holiday allotment. Personally, when I was an employee, I would given up many Bank Holidays if I could have had an extra week's holiday. Most Bank Holidays, whilst nice to have, don't enable families to get away for a decent break as, with the weekend, they just have three days.

But what is most offensive is your description of the 'robbing businesses that double their prices". I'll ask you a question, which I do hope you will answer honestly. If you bought a house for say, £100K and by chance the area boomed and ten years later when you decide to sell, similar ones are selling for £250K, and a young couple comes to view it would you think " "A rise of £150K in ten years is ridiculous, I'm going to let this nice couple buy my house for £190K"?

Or would you get the highest price that you can? If you try to get the highest price that the market will bear then you are, by your own definition, a 'robber'. Now that's not my definition, but yours. I don't think that you'd be a 'robber'. I just think that you'd be sensible for getting the best price that you can. If you agree that you'd get the highest price that you can, how does that differentiate you from those 'robbing businessmen'?

Now at the risk of sounding patronising, let me give you a lesson in business. The object of a business is to get the best price that you can. Otherwise, it's just a hobby. The problem is of course that you can never get the price that you'd really like because there's always some other bugger who's desperate for cash flow or thinks that he can work more efficiently and will try to undercut you. It's called competition and is what's driven the capitalist system to constantly provide better products and services, unlike Communism where there is no incentive to make a better product, hence the fact that Russia for instance has no innovative industry whatsoever

The myth about 'robbing businesses' doubling prices is just that, a myth. They don't double prices, they charge the price that they'd like to get every day of the year. What they actually do is discount their prices in the off-season in order to drum up customers at a time when their are few around.

In winter, many camp sites, particularly in Spain and Portugal, charge incredibly low prices. They do this because it keeps the site open with long-term winter residents, it keeps their staff employed and saves them laying off good workers. You of course would expect that they carry on with these low prices at, which they barely make a profit, right through the year, but you of course appear to know nothing of how to run a business.

The purpose of a business is to make money. It's not easy, there is always competition and many fail and lose everything, but of course you never notice those do you? You just see the rich ones who've done well and resent the fact that they are better off then you. Well, if it's so easy and so lucrative, why aren't you doing it? It really is very easy. You can do what I did, take a second mortgage on your house and start with an overdraft also secured against your home and risk losing the lot. You can enjoy the fact that, if you're ill, there's no one to pay your wages and, if you want a holiday, you need to make enough in the other eleven months to pay for it. Nothing to it though, why not have a go?

I apologise in advance for this rant but I'm afraid that, as an honest businessman in an incredibly competitive trade, I found your comments to be obnoxious.
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I will not get involved with this debate, it's too contentious or else the following may happen again...

  • I might get requested to leave the country again
  • I will get ridiculed for any grammar or spelling mistakes
  • Somebody may laugh at which University I studied at.

I will not get involved with this debate, it's too contentious or else the following may happen again...

  • I might get requested to leave the country again
  • I will get ridiculed for any grammar or spelling mistakes
  • Somebody may laugh at which University I studied at.


University isn't a proper noun and shouldn't have a capital letter, unless of course it's a title such as Oxford University. :lol-053:

Well, you did rather ask for it!
Northerner, I do agree in principal with your as you say rant! but I do think you were well over the top against what probably was a tongue in cheek bit of fun opening post.
Lets all have a holiday from serious rants and lets have fun:fun:
Have a nice:beer: and lets all be friends:wave:

There was nothing 'tongue in cheek' about it whatsoever. He was serious and his post gave no indication whatsoever that it was in anyway light hearted. It was obnoxious and offensive to any businessman. I'm reasonably intelligent and am able to differentiate between a joke and serious post. He meant every word.
There was nothing 'tongue in cheek' about it whatsoever. He was serious and his post gave no indication whatsoever that it was in anyway light hearted. It was obnoxious and offensive to any businessman. I'm reasonably intelligent and am able to differentiate between a joke and serious post. He meant every word.

Optimism and clairvoyancy in a single sentence.
I am suitably impressed.

Dezi :pc:
I will not get involved with this debate, it's too contentious or else the following may happen again...

  • I might get requested to leave the country again
  • I will get ridiculed for any grammar or spelling mistakes
  • Somebody may laugh at which University I studied at.


let it go willya......yawn
Why not? I have paid enough in:scared: I don't even get a pension yet:scared:
I must be cheap on the state, maybe they could send me a few quid for a holiday as I get nothing else:scooter:

I've paid into the system 47 years up to now, & not pensionable age for another 3 Christmas's, can't wait for the long holiday :fun: :drive:

Before I'm called :angel:

I've checked my notifications and I'm gutted you did not leave me a "like" for my post Northerner. LOL

Now hang on I am entitled to my opinion as you are and from previous discussions I've seen you involved in you seem very opinionated.

I can only express my feelings as I feel and of course you as you feel. I'm sorry you found them to be obnoxious but surely you must appear obnoxious to some people yourself.

My father had his own business until he retired and I myself ran a business for 5 years and I understand where you are coming from with some of your comments and I would like to withdraw my robbing businesses comment (a rant) but It does appear like that when you have a young family and only you are working and all the prices rise in the School holidays and of course bank holidays.

The point I was making was Bank holidays are a time when Mum, Dad and the children get a few days off, long enough to have a short break together. I see this as sacred.
This obviously also helps businesses in the holiday trade and if bank holidays were just added on to the years leave the employer would dictate when they can be taken and Easter and the spring holidays would just be another weekend.

The point I made on the bailing out Ireland and overseas aid was purely to show this is money orientated and bank holidays are just an area that costs us money. There are lots of other areas where we need a think tank.

"Each bank holiday costs the UK economy £2.3bn and scrapping them would boost annual output by £19bn, economists say"

Where does it end? Shall we cancel Christmas. We seem to be eroding the good things about this country.

You say you are an honest businessman and good on you but you know many are not and I know lads who have real problems with some employers when they wish to take leave and if it is added to the total leave they will never see it.

Thanks for your reply though Northerner good to hear from you.

There's two sides to every story and it's good to listen to both. (Excuse any spelling mistakes)
I've checked my notifications and I'm gutted you did not leave me a "like" for my post Northerner. LOL

Now hang on I am entitled to my opinion as you are and from previous discussions I've seen you involved in you seem very opinionated.

I can only express my feelings as I feel and of course you as you feel. I'm sorry you found them to be obnoxious but surely you must appear obnoxious to some people yourself.

My father had his own business until he retired and I myself ran a business for 5 years and I understand where you are coming from with some of your comments and I would like to withdraw my robbing businesses comment (a rant) but It does appear like that when you have a young family and only you are working and all the prices rise in the School holidays and of course bank holidays.

The point I was making was Bank holidays are a time when Mum, Dad and the children get a few days off, long enough to have a short break together. I see this as sacred.
This obviously also helps businesses in the holiday trade and if bank holidays were just added on to the years leave the employer would dictate when they can be taken and Easter and the spring holidays would just be another weekend.

The point I made on the bailing out Ireland and overseas aid was purely to show this is money orientated and bank holidays are just an area that costs us money. There are lots of other areas where we need a think tank.

"Each bank holiday costs the UK economy £2.3bn and scrapping them would boost annual output by £19bn, economists say"

Where does it end? Shall we cancel Christmas. We seem to be eroding the good things about this country.

You say you are an honest businessman and good on you but you know many are not and I know lads who have real problems with some employers when they wish to take leave and if it is added to the total leave they will never see it.

Thanks for your reply though Northerner good to hear from you.

There's two sides to every story and it's good to listen to both. (Excuse any spelling mistakes)

I am very opinionated and make no apology for it! I would also add that I have never, and will never, deny you your own opinions, and I think that you'll agree that I have never suggested that. I am glad that you have withdrawn your comment about businessmen being robbers because their prices vary at peak periods and I welcome that and it's good to come across someone willing to retract a statement.

One thing that you will find about me is that I can disagree with you in one thread but in the next I will support you totally. I am learning that this isn't the case with some members of this site. One member in particular seems to 'Like' every single post that disagrees with mine. It really is very sad that they insist on carrying on what is almost a vendetta, but they never ever debate directly with me! I do have strong opinions on certain things but I don't hold childish grudges just because we've disagreed in the past. In fact, before I even came back to read this thread a few minutes ago I 'Liked' a post of yours in the free speech thread.
Any half-decent think-tank would've thought of a way of abolishing rainy, miserable weather on Bank Holidays by now!! :cool:

As for camp sites increasing their prices at this time, why should that bother us...... we're all wildcampers, aren't we?? ;)
I am very opinionated and make no apology for it! I would also add that I have never, and will never, deny you your own opinions, and I think that you'll agree that I have never suggested that. I am glad that you have withdrawn your comment about businessmen being robbers because their prices vary at peak periods and I welcome that and it's good to come across someone willing to retract a statement.

One thing that you will find about me is that I can disagree with you in one thread but in the next I will support you totally. I am learning that this isn't the case with some members of this site. One member in particular seems to 'Like' every single post that disagrees with mine. It really is very sad that they insist on carrying on what is almost a vendetta, but they never ever debate directly with me! I do have strong opinions on certain things but I don't hold childish grudges just because we've disagreed in the past. In fact, before I even came back to read this thread a few minutes ago I 'Liked' a post of yours in the free speech thread.

Sometimes we can agree to disagree but we can debate a point that we feel strongly about.

Sometimes we spout off without thinking things through but we should listen to what others say.
If you don't listen to the other point of view there's no point debating.

Basically none of us are right even though we think we are. or are we ?

I admire people who put their case forward with gusto.

But we are all entitled to our point of view.

I look forward to future differences of opinion.

I love the diversity of opinion on this forum

I admire people who put their case forward with gusto.


Just when I thought we were getting along you accuse me of colluding with Gusto and putting my views forward with him. I categorically deny it and I can't even stand the man!

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