Jacques le foot
Hi everyone,
Here we are back home safe and sound after our 5 weeks away on the continent. A lovely time we've had...but not without incident!! We had to abandon the idea of going to Portugal, as the first day we were in France the frige/freezer conked (full of meat for the hols
) It was a Saturday morning..and it was a Bank Holiday weekend in France. the only thing to do was sit ourselves on a French campsite (the owner kindly put or meat at the bottom of his ice-cream freezer) and wait till Tues. It was then Thursday before the repair centre could get the part...so Friday before we got away. We decided to do coast to coast, from Biarritz on the atlantic, across the foot hills of the Pyranees, to Narbonne Plage on the Med.
But that wasn't all
We had a flat tyre in Lourdes, the filler hose split in Carcosonne, and we sprung a water leak in the Dordogne, from somewhere that kept filling the under floor lockers. Would you believe it??
In the end, we were just laughing! We did have a good time, and found lots of good camperstops...either free, or very cheap. When I've sorted out the photos, I will post them.
Here we are back home safe and sound after our 5 weeks away on the continent. A lovely time we've had...but not without incident!! We had to abandon the idea of going to Portugal, as the first day we were in France the frige/freezer conked (full of meat for the hols
But that wasn't all
In the end, we were just laughing! We did have a good time, and found lots of good camperstops...either free, or very cheap. When I've sorted out the photos, I will post them.