Auto Roller 700


Hi People

Other than my initial new member introducing post some months ago, I have been just an observer on this excellent site - but I wonder if anyone out there could give me any feedback about the Auto Roller 700 (2007 model)

We are new to the world of motorhomes, but will soon be embarking on a full time adventure for at least 12 months, and we're zoning in on our chosen van.

The layout, features and relative newness of the van is appealing to us.

Can anyone share their knowledge regarding anything we shuold look out for, or alternative options before we take the rather expensive plunge??

Also wondered if there are any online reviews of this van I could pointed in the direction of??

Many many thanks!

Wes and Sarah
Are doing what some are and renting you property out:cool:
If not yet purchased have you noticed MH prices gone up:confused:
Not seen 700 model but I would say if you are living in it for 12 months
then living area needs to be comfy and storage should be adequate.

We have a fixed bed as it suits, we not full timers more the pity ( bottle and all that ):D:D
Had a look at the 700 looks the job:D are there 2 people only if so you should have plenty of room although you will be surprised with the crap you will take:D will you need it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you decide:eek:
rollerteam 700

I feel I know about this....we went to nec for ours,it was a toss up between the 700 and our sunlight a69.the thing that did it for us was the free cab upgrade on the 69 and the step on the 700 is integral whereas the sunlight has a fiamma retractable.Look at the sideview of both vans..and when you go over a kerb or rock -whish van will be damaged first another point is the"garage" door lifts up on the 700 where the 69 is hinged sideways.
I am not being bias but thats what we found and we love our sunlight(y dethleffs)
Hi Wes, are you looking at the Roller Team 700, or am I getting mixed up ? its just I have R/T 700 58 plate, we bought it from the NEC in Oct last year.


hi wes
we have a rollerteam 600g, bought it because of the garage, for scooter and push bikes.
but the 700 looks great had a look at the dealers, comes down to personell choice. i like the integrated step as it's one less thing to go wrong.
we've had ours for nearly 12 months, we are still made up with it as it's got a fixed bed,i got fed up of making the bed on our previous van.
the fridge freezer is great loads of space.
the cushions on the dinnette can be a little hard, but we have a cover on ours so it's ok.
build quality is very good, and (touch wood) we have had no problems at all.
the transit cab i find exellent to drive and in my humble oppinion is far superior to the fiat equivellent.
the cruise control is exellent, but as belgian says be carefull on the motorways in belgium (cruise control illegall ).
you could do a lot worse wes and there are some unregistered 2008 models at very attractive prices.
if the 2007 is at the right price buy it you won't regret it.
above anything else enjoy it.

live long and prosper:D:p
Not yet I am waiting till the summer till I get one fitted, I have priced a few up, I will be towing my boat up to Fort William in the summer for my trip up to Inverness, cant wait, love Scotland.

TOM,post your findings on here for the prices,looks like theres interest for bespoke ones,
hi Wes
we have a rollerteam 600g, bought it because of the garage, for scooter and push bikes.
but the 700 looks great had a look at the dealers, comes down to personell choice. i like the integrated step as it's one less thing to go wrong.
we've had ours for nearly 12 months, we are still made up with it as it's got a fixed bed,i got fed up of making the bed on our previous van.
the fridge freezer is great loads of space.
the cushions on the dinnette can be a little hard, but we have a cover on ours so it's ok.
build quality is very good, and (touch wood) we have had no problems at all.
the transit cab i find exellent to drive and in my humble oppinion is far superior to the fiat equivellent.
the cruise control is exellent, but as belgian says be carefull on the motorways in belgium (cruise control illegall ).
you could do a lot worse wes and there are some unregistered 2008 models at very attractive prices.
if the 2007 is at the right price buy it you won't regret it.
above anything else enjoy it.

live long and prosper:D:p

I agree with you 100 % we have only had the R/T 700 since the end of last year, so far so good, the Ford Transit is nice to drive, we are more than happy with the M/H, Ive met a few other R/T owners who are more than content with the M/H.

TOM,post your findings on here for the prices,looks like theres interest for bespoke ones,

Hi Andy I went to a local firm down here in Durham I was quoted £500.00 fitted to my R/T,. I often like to use local firms as its easy to pop back if you have any probs.

tom,was that alloy or steel-if steel are you concerned on your payload?
Andy, I think its steel, I did think about the extra weight issue, would you suggest looking at a light weight metal, what would be the weight of a steel towbar fitting ? any idea ?

Cheers Tom
I suppose we are off topic a wee bit but it will be usefull for the others,I got towtal to do a steel one at 400 last year but my consious said take it off and I copied it and made an alloy one=matl and welding was 100quid The steel one went to scrap and i got 90 quid for it...
Convinced gonna have a alloy one then.


Need to do some shopping around. Thanks.
I suppose we are off topic a wee bit but it will be usefull for the others,I got towtal to do a steel one at 400 last year but my consious said take it off and I copied it and made an alloy one=matl and welding was 100quid The steel one went to scrap and i got 90 quid for it...


Alloy and steel have much different properties in how they react to bending forces, their hardness, resistance to cracking and strength. You can't make a direct copy of a steel towbar in alloy and expect it to be able to do the job.

An alloy towbar would need "deeper" sections and thicker material to give equivalent strength and ridgidity to that of a steel one. This would normally result in major ground clearance problems when fitted.
Thanks for the information and inspriation people, that's great!!!!

Getting a little excited now!:D

See you out there soon.

Wes & Sarah

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