Attention. Sammcloius Is Off-line


hi folks,
i got a text message from samm today telling me that thanks to some lowlife scumbag she no longer has a computer or laptop, tv, dvd player, mobile phone, camera or anything else of any value including the van habitation door keys!
luckiely she still has the ignition keys.
the police say the 'thief' fished the house keys off the hall table thru the letterbox then let themselves in.
sam and dave where asleep and heard nothing till they came down next morning (tuesday). strange thing is millie the dog never barked.
she said she is insured which helps financially but the laptop contents are irreplacable(photo's ect)
she'll be back asap.


pappajohn said:
hi folks,
i got a text message from samm today telling me that thanks to some lowlife scumbag she no longer has a computer or laptop, tv, dvd player, mobile phone, camera or anything else of any value including the van habitation door keys!
luckiely she still has the ignition keys.
the police say the 'thief' fished the house keys off the hall table thru the letterbox then let themselves in.
sam and dave where asleep and heard nothing till they came down next morning (tuesday). strange thing is millie the dog never barked.
she said she is insured which helps financially but the laptop contents are irreplacable(photo's ect)
she'll be back asap.


Am gutted poor sam and dave hope they catch the thieving b*****rds
they allready had bad news on the job front am so angry
more chance of stopping continental drift than catching the lowlife scum that did this.
just another incident No to plod (not their fault, not enough funds)

hi guys thanks so much for your best my sisters house on her computer....feel lost without my laptop & cant sit in my front room cause the scumbags have been in there and took the lot............i cant believe we never woke up,we only discovered it at half 6 yesterday morning when we got up for work!!! the front door was left wide open...with regard to the stolen motorhome keys well we have ordered new barrel locks and keys from don amotts and the very nice lady sent them straight away they have arrived today....never got any sleep at all last nght and iv been off work since...lots to sort out,but back tomoz...dont know if i can do it as i am devastated....the police have been into 2 local houses today with warrants but nothing found..:( :( :(
they are druggies and real scum bags..policeknow its them but no proof as of yet!!!please dont make the mistake we didand leave your keys near the front door as you never think itll be you.........believe iv never felt so scared and nervous that these people will come back!!we barrackaded ourselves in last night and kept looking out the window with every noise.....................thanks foryou well wishes...hope to get to chat from time to time...missing being here too.....all my pics are gone prob for good..thats the worst thing to happen......all my memories....:( :( :(..gotta go home now.....its horrid i dont wanna go.....scared to go i said please relocate your keys...dont be stupid like we were...take care samm
Sam and Dave. Hope they catch the b******s that did it. Have you managed to source another pc as it says you are on line now in the members signed in box.
sorry to hear what has happend the low life scum want there hands chopping off
sams loss

Sorry to hear the bad news Sam thankfully neither of you heard anything or you might have been tempted to go downstair & we all know what the scumbags are like these days. Hope you get sorted soon & try not let the BU****S get you down:(

Sorry to hear of your trouble,glad you dave and millie are ok .Hope every thing is sorted out quickly and you can settle down again.Keep us informed i am sure every one on hear sends there best,and your chat will be missed.gary cate and family.
Sorry to hear the BAD news Sam. Hope you get sorted soon. Doubt if our gallant Police force will be able to catch who did it?
sorry to hear about ur bad news, junkie b------s i hope they catch them and u get ur stuff back .. awe the best , garry and bel..

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