Asian Taxi drivers


Full Member
Two weeks ago today, an Asian taxi driver pulled out on us and I managed to avoid a serius colision, but we still colided side on. The taxi driver was very apologetic and said how sorry he was and it was his fault, we swapped phone numbers and he said he would ring me back in 1 hour as we were doing some shopping and he had a passenger. No Police or Insurance were involved.
Exactly 1 hour later he phoned offered to come with me to a garage for estimate for repairs, booked the car in for following week, and also arranged for a taxi free of charge when Pat took the car in.
We had the car back last night he phoned to see if we were happy with the repairs and again he apologised for the inconveniance we'd had.
lucky no one hurt, and as Pat says car is just a piece of metal that can be repaired, different to us humans.
This Asian taxi driver was a true gent.

Two weeks ago today, an Asian taxi driver pulled out on us and I managed to avoid a serius colision, but we still colided side on. The taxi driver was very apologetic and said how sorry he was and it was his fault, we swapped phone numbers and he said he would ring me back in 1 hour as we were doing some shopping and he had a passenger. No Police or Insurance were involved.
Exactly 1 hour later he phoned offered to come with me to a garage for estimate for repairs, booked the car in for following week, and also arranged for a taxi free of charge when Pat took the car in.
We had the car back last night he phoned to see if we were happy with the repairs and again he apologised for the inconveniance we'd had.
lucky no one hurt, and as Pat says car is just a piece of metal that can be repaired, different to us humans.
This Asian taxi driver was a true gent.


Call me a cynic if you wish but if I was the taxi driver and was uninsured I would have done exactly the same as he did in order to keep you sweet.
Call me a cynic if you wish but if I was the taxi driver and was uninsured I would have done exactly the same as he did in order to keep you sweet.

My thoughts too, why would he not go through his or firms insurance, something to hide there. :rolleyes2:
It costs around 3K to 4K to insure a taxi these days most company's do pay rather than risk a very steep rise in premiums,

If it was a licensed Taxi or Private hire car the local council keep strict controls on insurance ,mots, driver licences etc
If he was a registered taxi driver with the plate on his car it will be very unlikely that he is uninsured. Taxis and private hire cars (which is most likely what he was) are subject to stringent examination by local government inspectors. A friend of mine did this job for some years after he retired as a senior police officer.The insurance premium for taxis is quite high and the most likely explanation is that he considered the costs involved and decided not to lose his no claims bonus. And it wouldn't help his private hire licence renewal if he had an accident on his record.

I do find it a bit sad that we have a man who has acted honourably and done his best to facilitate a smooth solution for the person with whom he was in a collision, and all that some people can do is try to dig out an ulterior motive and look for the most cynical explanation.

Edited to say: This crossed 'in the post' with the one above, which more or less says the same thing!
or its more the case of if you have a claim as a taxi driver the price of renewal is going to be sky high
its so hard theses days to drive around with no insurance and get away with it
It costs around 3K to 4K to insure a taxi these days most company's do pay rather than risk a very steep rise in premiums,

If it was a licensed Taxi or Private hire car the local council keep strict controls on insurance ,mots, driver licences etc

The taxi may be insured. Its not always the insured driver behind the wheel. my local paper has reported on many a clampdown by police and the Local Authorty Licensing Dept. that has resulted in a number of rogue taxi drivers being hauled before the Magistrates Court and prosecuted.
The taxi may be insured. Its not always the insured driver behind the wheel. my local paper has reported on many a clampdown by police and the Local Authorty Licensing Dept. that has resulted in a number of rogue taxi drivers being hauled before the Magistrates Court and prosecuted.

So what? If the driver wasn't the insured person, no one would have known. If it had been someone using the taxi illegally then the insured driver would have simply made the claim in his own name. Again, who would have known? Why do you find it so hard to accept that this may just be a case of a man who didn't wish to claim on his insurance and then did everything possible to make things as easy as possible for his victim?
So what? If the driver wasn't the insured person, no one would have known. If it had been someone using the taxi illegally then the insured driver would have simply made the claim in his own name. Again, who would have known? Why do you find it so hard to accept that this may just be a case of a man who didn't wish to claim on his insurance and then did everything possible to make things as easy as possible for his victim?

Call me a cynic.
Call me a cynic.

You're a cynic and your kind of cynicism is corrosive and completely undermines every concept of decency and honesty. It is assumed that everyone is lying or cheating and that no one can actually do something because it's the right thing to do.

It makes for a suspicious and unpleasant society where no one has any trust whatsoever and usually reflects the views and behaviour of the cynic rather than those he is cynical about.
Well ive got to say, if that old chap than ran into me took control like this fella did, i would be made up, instead, its left for me to sort out, and oh what a hassle it is, for once i have to agree with Northerner, i think it was a very decent thing to do. think the chap deserves a bit of respect TBH
You're a cynic and your kind of cynicism is corrosive and completely undermines every concept of decency and honesty. It is assumed that everyone is lying or cheating and that no one can actually do something because it's the right thing to do.

It makes for a suspicious and unpleasant society where no one has any trust whatsoever and usually reflects the views and behaviour of the cynic rather than those he is cynical about.

I am sixty one years old, not sixteen. Life experience has brought me to a realisation that life is not fair and decent. I treat people as I expect to be treated, with the same honesty and decency that you say my attitude undemines; however I reserve the right to remain suspicious of other's intentions in order to ensure my continuing health and happiness. Now what's corrosive about that?
I'm glad it worked out well......I would also have made sure and called the police to the many cases it sheds light if insurance companies need to get many it just ensures the parties remain commited to a responsible outcome.
I am sixty one years old, not sixteen. Life experience has brought me to a realisation that life is not fair and decent. I treat people as I expect to be treated, with the same honesty and decency that you say my attitude undemines; however I reserve the right to remain suspicious of other's intentions in order to ensure my continuing health and happiness. Now what's corrosive about that?

Nothing is corrosive about being careful but what is corrosive is when you are told a story by a forum member and you immediately challenge it and make the assumption that someone is dishonest and only doing something for an ulterior motive. You had no evidence of any wrongdoing and yet you chose to assume that the taxi-driver is not insured. That kind of cynicism is corrosive.

You take the same attitude in the French breathalyser thread when you make the suggestion that someone could make devices that deliberately under-read. Amazing! What kind of mind, when presented with a thread about self testing, automatically jumps to conclusions like that?

My mind is still boggling I'm afraid!
I am sixty one years old, not sixteen. Life experience has brought me to a realisation that life is not fair and decent. I treat people as I expect to be treated, with the same honesty and decency that you say my attitude undemines; however I reserve the right to remain suspicious of other's intentions in order to ensure my continuing health and happiness. Now what's corrosive about that?

Something I didn't tell in my original post, when Yassir the driver called our house last night he said that he was a God fearing man who treats people as he expects to be treated, with the same honesty and decency, and he also said that he hoped is 3 children would grow up the same but he couldn't promise that.
A lot like you've said jamesmarshall, but he was an honest human being, without any alteriour motifs.

I continue to be annoyed by people having a go at each other ...

Please read again what Phil posted earlier on another thread regarding forum rules:

All posts should be professional and courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective, but do it in a respectful and non dismissive manner.

However, you are not free to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle them or the quality of this community. It does not matter what title or power you hold in these forums, or if you have paid to be here, you are expected to obey these rules. Doing otherwise will get your account banned temporarily, or permanently if the situation becomes severe enough (this will be left to the discretion of the moderation team). Please remember to stay mature and thoughtful at all times.
Two weeks ago today, an Asian taxi driver pulled out on us and I managed to avoid a serius colision, but we still colided side on. The taxi driver was very apologetic and said how sorry he was and it was his fault, we swapped phone numbers and he said he would ring me back in 1 hour as we were doing some shopping and he had a passenger. No Police or Insurance were involved.
Exactly 1 hour later he phoned offered to come with me to a garage for estimate for repairs, booked the car in for following week, and also arranged for a taxi free of charge when Pat took the car in.
We had the car back last night he phoned to see if we were happy with the repairs and again he apologised for the inconveniance we'd had.
lucky no one hurt, and as Pat says car is just a piece of metal that can be repaired, different to us humans.
This Asian taxi driver was a true gent.


Good for him - I am pleased that there are still people who uphold the principles of decency and honesty.
So what? If the driver wasn't the insured person, no one would have known. If it had been someone using the taxi illegally then the insured driver would have simply made the claim in his own name. Again, who would have known? Why do you find it so hard to accept that this may just be a case of a man who didn't wish to claim on his insurance and then did everything possible to make things as easy as possible for his victim?

cynical old git that i am i still prefer to believe the driver acted honourably for whatever reason,simply because when i first read it,it made me feel good and you can't buy that.something similar happened to me not long ago,and after the guy had had my van fixed,i dropped him round a case of stella.he said he'd done nothing to earn it,and i said ,look mate some people could have made it all a lot harder,thats worth a drink
As a taxi driver myself I'm glad in a way that he did the decent thing but I have to say if it had been me, I would have called to police and the only reason I say this is because he was carrying a passenger. If that passenger gets advised, like most people in todays society do, to sue for personal injury (whiplash), then the taxi drivers insurance is going to know about it. If he had called the police then the details of the accident would have recorded even if it was his fault and the passenger could have claimed injury there and then but of course the police wouldn't have attended unless injury was claimed at the time anyway.
As a taxi driver myself I'm glad in a way that he did the decent thing but I have to say if it had been me, I would have called to police and the only reason I say this is because he was carrying a passenger. If that passenger gets advised, like most people in todays society do, to sue for personal injury (whiplash), then the taxi drivers insurance is going to know about it. If he had called the police then the details of the accident would have recorded even if it was his fault and the passenger could have claimed injury there and then but of course the police wouldn't have attended unless injury was claimed at the time anyway.

What a sad sign of today's blame culture society.

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