Armistice day Saturday 11th November 2023


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Dear WC friends..
please remember that at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month (11am Saturday tomorrow) whatever you are doing please try and observe a 2 minutes silence and quiet in your busy life to remember and pay respects to all the folks that perished in the recent world wars in order that we may live and enjoy our lives and freedom today.
enough said..


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I have respected the tradition of reflection and rememberance for all of my 75 yrs but do it on the Sunday following the 11th. So called Rememberance Sunday. I am not sure I recall correctly but is the addition of the 11th as well in the calendar a fairly recent one (a few decades old). Or do people now do it instead?

Ps I know it's the actual anniversary of the Armistice.
here is my maternal grandad and grandmother on their wedding day while he was on leave from the Western Front..
Sgt Harold Dennis and my gran Minnie.
Harold served and survived throughout the entire WW1
I never knew him as he died when my mum was still only a young girl before WW2 broke out
shame.. I would have liked to have known him.. :cry:
Harold and Minnie colourised.jpg
I have respected the tradition of reflection and rememberance for all of my 75 yrs but do it on the Sunday following the 11th. So called Rememberance Sunday. I am not sure I recall correctly but is the addition of the 11th as well in the calendar a fairly recent one (a few decades old). Or do people now do it instead?

Ps I know it's the actual anniversary of the Armistice.
I remember that all folks, factories and schools used to stop everything for a couple of minutes actually on the 11th November. Probably doesn't happen nowadays so much. Like you say the following Sunday seems to be the main focus now.
In any case its good that we remember and bow our heads in silence for two minutes..
Same here Tim my great grandfather died before my mother was born and now Tim there are questions which I would love to know the answers too but no one to ask as all deceased.
Ive said to my children if there’s anything that they would like to know concerning our family ask me now whilst I’m still here, the silly sods thought I was seriously ill and going to kick the bucket.o_O

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Same here Tim my great grandfather died before my mother was born and now Tim there are questions which I would love to know the answers too but no one to ask as all deceased.
Ive said to my children if there’s anything that they would like to know concerning our family ask me now whilst I’m still here, the silly sods thought I was seriously I’ll and going to kick the bucket.o_O

Good idea.. get them to ask the questions before you pop your clogs.. (more importantly.. don't forget to bequeath me in your will for the 2 Triumphs :LOL: )
Good idea.. get them to ask the questions before you pop your clogs.. (more importantly.. don't forget to bequeath me in your will for the 2 Triumphs :LOL: )
Non of my family are interested in motorbikes and I made this statement to my eldest daughter, anyway she got in touch with me and said one of my great grandsons James 8 is interested. So the winter months diesel heater fired up and I have a few jobs I want to do to my T140 and James will be helping me and if he takes to the spanner’s I’ll buy him a set.
He does have a motorcycle manufacturers name.

I have respected the tradition of reflection and rememberance for all of my 75 yrs but do it on the Sunday following the 11th. So called Rememberance Sunday. I am not sure I recall correctly but is the addition of the 11th as well in the calendar a fairly recent one (a few decades old). Or do people now do it instead?

Ps I know it's the actual anniversary of the Armistice.
Been on 11th for as long as I can remember. This year I will be at Moorfields, so not sure if I can observe it, still on Sunday will be watching youngest of the girls laying the guides wreath.
My grandfather was shot in the leg at Gallipoli almost losing his leg.
He was Irish fought with the Dublin Fusileers.
Sadly when he got home he was treated terribly by his own country.
Something the Irish government have recently apologised for.
He then moved to Glasgow.

My father who was borne in Ireland fought in North Africa, Greece, and Italy in WW2. He to like his father received a serious leg injury which plagued him the rest of his life. He spent a year in hospital after the war, with his injuries.
Both of them being Irish could have avoided war, but they decided to go to war.

Like most who fought, they rarely talked about their experiences.

We should all remember what our forebears had to endure, in order that we could all lead the lives we have all lived.

My grandfather was shot in the leg at Gallipoli almost losing his leg.
He was Irish fought with the Dublin Fusileers.
Sadly when he got home he was treated terribly by his own country.
Something the Irish have recently government apologised for.
He then moved to Glasgow.

My father who was borne in Ireland fought in North Africa, Greece, and Italy in WW2. He to like his father received a serious leg injury which plagued him the rest of his life. He spent a year in hospital after the war, with his injuries.
Both of them being Irish could have avoided war, but they decided to go to war.

Like most who fought, they rarely talked about their experiences.

We should all remember what our forebears had to endure, in order that we could all lead the lives we have all lived.

very well said Bill. Thanks for sharing this with us. sincere Gratitude's to your dad and grandad who fought for us 🥰
My grandad on my mother's side who sadly I never met was a proper blood and guts war hero. Lancaster tail gunner, many missions under his belt but eventually discharged due to hearing damage where he transferred to the army, invaded Sicily and worked his way right through Italy I believe and survived the war. I have all his medals.

My grandad in my father's side who I did know until I was 18 was in the Darlo Dad's Army home guard and the only thing he shot was a Cow by accident on the shooting range. 🤣
My grandad on my mother's side who sadly I never met was a proper blood and guts war hero. Lancaster tail gunner, many missions under his belt but eventually discharged due to hearing damage where he transferred to the army, invaded Sicily and worked his way right through Italy I believe and survived the war. I have all his medals.

My grandad in my father's side who I did know until I was 18 was in the Darlo Dad's Army home guard and the only thing he shot was a Cow by accident on the shooting range. 🤣
be nice to see some photos of all your maternal grandads Lancaster tail gunners medals..
your paternal grandad seems a bit like yourself :LOL: :ROFLMAO:
Been on 11th for as long as I can remember. This year I will be at Moorfields, so not sure if I can observe it, still on Sunday will be watching youngest of the girls laying the guides wreath.
I was beginning to doubt my memory so i looked it up.

From 1919 until 1945, Armistice Day observance was always on 11 November itself. It was then moved to Remembrance Sunday, but since the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in 1995, it has become usual to hold ceremonies on both Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday.
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I have respected the tradition of reflection and rememberance for all of my 75 yrs but do it on the Sunday following the 11th. So called Rememberance Sunday. I am not sure I recall correctly but is the addition of the 11th as well in the calendar a fairly recent one (a few decades old). Or do people now do it instead?

Ps I know it's the actual anniversary of the Armistice.

11th hour, 11th day, 11th month started in 1919.


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