are we all selfish out here


hi there everybody,
i have been browsing through this newly found website and think it is a diamond in the rough.
there are so many questions a new motorhome owner (like me) has and even more information of experienced campers not just motor campers but caravaners and those that still prefer it under canvas have to say or info they can give. . so come on lets start giving each other the info that the originator of this website has dreamt of it being like.

how wild is wild camping?
do the majority of you really do it wild. solar or generator? which is best?
what is the best way for me and my family to enjoy xmas in our motorhome. where can we go
we have decided to go to dumfries and galloway. any sugestions.

a place i have never been to in the past... kids are 3 and 2 months
am i stupid or do i want my family to learn life is more than just receiving pressies a couple of times a year.
get out there and listen to the wildlife learn about the rivers. the woodland the animals etc.
come on sombody has gone to a lot of effort into producing this website and all i have seen so far is people viewing messages but nobody with anything to give
give something and receive satisfaction that it may be helping somebody somewhere.
a virgin writer.

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