Appliances required - any traders arround?


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Hi guys,
Im looking for a few bits for a converson and hoping to buy the lot in one go to try save some pennies
any reccomendations appreciated

looking to purchase sink and hob combination (one that doesn't encroach on cupboard space below as fridge is going there and no room! - would like a lid over it though if they do it?

oven with separate grill above...

3 way fridge with ice cupboard

Propex heater

water boiler - anyone know a tidy cheap one? do they do a heater and water heater in one?

anyone know any reasonable suppliers of the above?
your help would be appreciated
Do they need to be new? If not, it can often work out cheaper to buy a cheap second hand caravan, salvage the parts you need from that and either scrap the chasis or sell it as a trailer chasis.
Hi mate don't have to be new but I do need quite specific stuff for the majority of items and I don't really have time to strip caravan but would consider if the right one comes along!

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